(S/E) Starting at the Market Place, take the footpath to the right of St Michael and All Angels church. At the end, continue out of Lambourn on Upper Lambourn Road, then take a left turn along Folly Road to the end.
(1) Continue on the byway (this is bordered by bushes and trees of apple, elder, sloe, hawthorn, and dog rose). At the first crossroads of byways, turn right, and at the second crossroads continue straight on. The byway goes straight across the open grass of Near Down Gallops, then continues downhill as a track between hedges, fences or ditches. At the bottom of the hill it turns right sharply and continues as a broad track between hedgerows to a crossroad of byways.
(2) Turn left along the byway (the bridleway is currently blocked). When you are level with Botley Copse, turn right along a grassy vehicle track that skirts round the right of the copse (the start of this footpath is currently marked by a decrepit stile beside a section of flattened fence). When the path starts to climb, take the right fork towards the left of the trees on the skyline.
At the top of the hill, the path continues alongside the boundary of the Ashdown House estate, initially marked by an earth bank, and then by a stone wall or fence. Descend to the access road for Ashdown Farm, and your first view of Ashdown House on the hill beyond.
(3) Turn left onto the restricted byway, then almost immediately take the right fork onto a footpath that continues alongside the park boundary with more views of Ashdown House, to Alfred's Castle.
(4) After Alfred's Castle, continue along the park boundary to a gate in the corner of the field with a stile beside it. Go straight into the wood on a good path, until you reach a broad ride with another view of Ashdown House to the right. Turn left, and continue along the ride to the end of the wood. Turn right onto the path just inside the edge of the wood, and continue to the road (B4000).
(5) Take the restricted byway opposite that skirts round the left of the wood. At the end, turn left onto a grassy track between hedges. When you reach the wood just before The Ridgeway, take a narrow path on the right over a man made bank (it is more pleasant to walk through the wood than along the Ridgeway). It is well worth visiting Wayland' Smithy, so keep an eye out through gaps in the hedge on the left for a wooden gate and the signs to the ancient monument.
(6) From Wayland's Smithy, return to the wood, continue to the end, then join the Ridgeway towards Uffington Castle. When the track starts to climb, there is a stile on the left next to a National Trust sign saying "White Horse Hill". Climb over this and a second one to the right, and then climb directly up to the Castle.
(7) Walk round the embankment of the Castle, then aim for a gate back onto The Ridgeway. Turn right for short distance, then turn left onto a signposted bridleway that runs along the edge of a field. The path makes a small 'dog-leg' to the left, then continues along the edge of the next field and past a stand of beech trees to the right. The route then crosses Woolstone Down gallops, marked by wooden posts with black and white stripes (note that there is a stand of trees at the southern end that is not marked on OS maps).
(8) Go through the gap to the right of a gate and continue straight on for nearly 2km until you reach a complex junction with many tracks and gallops and a tarmac access road on the right. Turn left to a white gate; cross the gallops, through a second gate, and go straight ahead on the track. Where this track bends right, continue straight on for around 20m, then turn right onto a narrow byway under trees. This briefly joins the main track, and then separates again, until another narrow byway joins from the right.
(9) Turn right, then turn left onto a farm road. When this splits, take the right fork onto a smaller byway, which starts to descend and becomes tarmac surfaced. When you reach the farm buildings, turn left and slightly uphill. The road then turns right and downhill, to a bridge over the River Lambourn marked by a steel barrier on the left.
(10) A few metres after the barrier, go through a gap on the left into Lynch Wood. Bear left to the River Lambourn (which here is only a stream), cross over by a small bridge, and go up and to the right to reach the main path through the wood. Turn right along this path, which is marked by occasional small concrete posts on the right hand side. As you get close to Lambourn, the path bends to the left and rises, and you begin to see glimpses of houses through the trees; keep straight on, and you will leave the wood onto the road (Goose Green).
(The 'official' (and less interesting) route of the Lambourn Valley Way continues along the lane to the main road (B4000), then turns goes along this road into Lambourn)
(11) Turn right and downhill on the road, which crosses the river to reach The Broadway. Turn left, and then almost immediately right into Chapel Street. At the end of the road, continue along the passage, then turn left to return to the Market Place (S/E)