(S) Walk down Darning Lane away from Thorpe Lane. At the cross roads turn right (Causeway Garth Lane). Pass Thorpe Manor on the left and when the road turns left keep straight on the track, signposted Upton. The track turns right then left. At the fork take the lefthand track, signposted Walton Wood, following the field boundary. At the trees keep straight on and at the next junction turn left, signed Walton Wood, following field boundary. Turn right at the concrete barrier, go over the stream and backtrack for 100m to a path. Turn left.
(1) The path crosses the grassy runway of Walton Wood airfield, note the windsock. Keep straight on to Walton Wood House, continue straight on across two driveways with Walton Wood House boundary on the right. Turn left and go uphill into trees. Bear right and go up hill onto a ridge. Turn right towards the tower.
(2) Take the first track on the left (Sheepwalk Lane) and follow it downhill to some houses where it becomes a lane. Keep straight on and at fork right (this is the old road) near the main road A6201 Wrangbrook Lane. Cross the main road onto Sleep Hill Lane and follow it going under the power lines. Take the next right and follow the track as it turns left. At a water plant turn right and then when the fence ends, bear left (see waymarker) down some steps. Follow the fence on the left and where the fence ends go over the stream on a small bridge. Keep straight on going uphill between fields to the top of the hill. Continue forward towards a group of trees.
(3) About 100m before you reach the group of trees ahead turn right (follow waymark) and go towards the righthand edge of a small wood about 200m ahead. Keep the wood and then the field boundary on your left and come to a main road (A638 Doncaster Rd). Turn right (keep on the verge) and take the next left along Field Lane. Take the first track on the left and then at a crossing of tracks turn right.
(4) The track meets some houses and becomes a road (Hacking Lane) which eventually turns left down the hill. At the cross roads go straight on down Hemmings Way. Where the road turns right take the footpath on the left and follow it downhill and over the railway. Turn right to South Elmsall railway station. (E)