South Elmsall to Hemsworth Bypass

Nice walk from South Elmsall to Hemsworth Bypass passing by fields, hills and parks.

This walk is part of a multi-day hike: The Wakefield Way

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 12.04 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 3h 50 
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    Difficulty: Easy

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    Return to departure point: No
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    Vertical gain: + 125 m
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    Vertical drop: - 94 m

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    Highest point: 116 m
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    Lowest point: 25 m

Description de la randonnée

Start at South Elmsall Station (WF9 2SF)

(S) Go through the car park and before the end of the platforms turn right down a gravel track for 100m. When the track turns left bear right and go over a small bridge. Go straight on down the street to the main road. Cross and turn left, take the next right up Rowley Lane.

(1) At the top of the lane turn right into Frickley Country Park and keep left. After 50m bear right up the hill keeping the football pitches on your right. At a junction of paths keep straight on following the tarmac path as it bends left, right and left again. At a fork take the lefthand gravel path. Follow this contour path but turn right at the first waymarker post. Follow this path passing an information board on your right and turn right at a T junction. After 10m turn right again to an obelisk. This is the start of the ‘Timeline for Frickley Colliery’ which gives the position of the shafts and the disposition of the coal seams underground. Follow the timeline to the second obelisk, go past it and bear right at a fork. Follow this path and go through a squeeze stile. Turn left soon turning right to go under the railway.

(2) Turn left following a path parallel to the railway soon bearing right to the left of an electricity pylon. At a track turn left going round a metal gate and over a field. At the next field keep the hedge on your left until you see a fence with a stile. Keep straight on crossing 4 stiles and eventually turn right along a track with Wink House to your right. Go past a metal gate and at a five way junction keep straight on. Where another path crosses turn right keeping the hedge to your right eventually crossing a field into a wood. On exiting the wood keep Howell House to your right, go up the wooden steps and across the field to the edge of Howell Wood. Turn left and at the road turn right. Keep right at the next road and continue to Burntwood Hall. Just past Burntwood Hall take a footpath forking off to the right and continue forward with a hedge on your right until you reach the entrance to Howell Wood car park.

(3) Take the access road out of the wood and turn left at a T junction. Take the next right and then left onto a track before the kennels. The track soon becomes a path, follow this for approx. 1 mile to the road. Turn left and follow the footway to Hague Hall roundabout (WF9 4DG). Go straight on towards Hemsworth for buses.(E)


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 28 m - South Elmsall Station
  2. 1 : km 0.83 - alt. 34 m - Top of Rowley Lane
  3. 2 : km 3.08 - alt. 39 m - Railway
  4. 3 : km 8.9 - alt. 89 m - Access road
  5. E : km 12.04 - alt. 59 m - Hemsworth

Practical information

The Wakefield Way is a 70 mile, waymarked walking route around the Wakefield Metropolitan District and covers a wide variety of landscapes. The route is divided into 11 sections of varying length with start and end points accessible by public transport.

For bus and train information contact Metro on 0113 245 7676 or

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.