Start : The Flower Pot, Aston (RG9 3DG) Grid ref. SU 784 841
(S/E) Turn right outside the front of the pub and walk up Remenham Lane in a westerly direction for about just under 200m.
(1) Then just before the ‘Kill your Speed’ sign take the footpath to the left either going over the stile or manoeuvring round the end of the field gate. Walk up the hill following the path keeping to the left of the field and through a narrow strip of woodland to the top. At a T junction of paths turn right onto the other footpath and follow this path across the top of the hill for just over half a mile with fine views looking over the Thames and Hambleden valley eventually arriving at a lane (Remenham Church Lane). If the field gate is closed and locked you will have to use the stile, turn right here and walk along the lane until it joins another lane (Rememham Lane) merging from the right. Continue to follow the lane downhill until you reach a junction.
(2) Turn right here passing the entrance to the Church of St Nicholas. This lane is a cul-de-sac, walk down to the end and then pass the entrance to Rememham Manor to pick up a footpath that connects with the Thames Path. Turn right and continue walking along the Thames Path to Temple Island and then on to Hambleden Lock.
(3) Leave the path and walk across the lock gates and use the walkway to cross the weir, passing Hambleden Mill on the far bank. Once you reach the other side of the Thames follow the access road of the Hambleden Marina and then the signed path into a short alley leading to the main Henley to Marlow road (A4155). Turn right and then cross the road on to the pavement opposite following the waymarker as the pavement follows the road to Hambleden. Cross over to the right hand of the road where the pavement starts and carry on for a further 300m until you reach a turning on the right signposted to Rotten Row.
(4) Cross over the side road and go through a metal kissing gate into a field and continue ahead, along the field with the hedge on the left. Go through a kissing gate, cross a track and pass through another kissing gate. Stay on the footpath, running parallel with the road until the footpath ends with another kissing gate by the side of the chalk stream.
(5) Go through the gate and turn right and follow the road into the centre of Hambleden, passing the church on the left. Where the road goes left continue ahead along a cul de sac passing the local inn, the Stag and Huntsmen, and continue to walk straight up a tarmac track for about 100m before turning right on to a signed footpath which is an unmade track.
(6) Stay on this track for about 0.5km until you reach the intersection with another track. Bear left and continue until you reach two kissing gates on either side of the track. Go through the left gate into the field and after about 80m exit the field by the same kissing gate you entered it on your outward trip.
(4) Retrace your steps along the road until you reach the A4155, cross the road, turn right and follow the signed footpath through the small alley. Return over the weir and the lock and then turn left to rejoin the Thames Path.
(7) Follow the path until you reach Aston Ferry Lane then turn right and walk up the lane to arrive back at the Flowerpot again. (S/E)