Start : The Flower Pot, Aston (RG9 3DG) Grid ref. SU 784 841
(S/E) Turn right outside the front of the pub and walk up Remenham Lane in a westerly direction for just under 200m.
(1) Then just before the ‘Kill your Speed’ sign, take the footpath to the left either going over the stile or manoeuvring round the end of the field gate. Walk up the hill following the path and keeping to the left of the field, through a narrow strip of woodland to the top. At a T junction of paths turn right onto the other footpath and follow this path across the top of the hill for just over half a mile with fine views looking over the Thames and Hambleden valley. You will eventually arrive at Remenham Church Lane. If the field gate is closed and locked you will have to use the stile, turn left here and walk along the lane for about 250m until a footpath is reached going off to the right, signed Chiltern Way Berkshire Loop.
(2) Take this path and proceed in a diagonally left direction across the field to woodland. Continue straight ahead walking through the wood, then go over a stile at the end. Walk across a sloped meadow towards the fence line and woodland, following the path that leads straight ahead and slightly to the right. (NB There may be a temporary gate here.) Continue straight ahead through the woodland until another stile is reached, go over and that take care as there is a sharp drop to the right. You have entered Wilminster Park, notice the small dog’s grave on the right. Walk diagonally across the meadow to cross another stile before reaching a gate to Remenham Lane. Cross the lane to a gap in the hedge to the path leading to the rear of the Leander Club.
(3) Walk pass the building and when you reach the main road, turn right and walk across the bridge towards the Red Lion Hotel. At the traffic lights cross the road and continue straight ahead pass the hotel and walk along Hart Street pass St Mary the Virgin Church and, on the opposite side of the road, Speaker’s House into the centre of Henley.
(4) To return to the Flower Pot retrace your steps over the bridge keeping to the left hand side of the road. Once you have crossed the bridge, turn left into the Leander Club entrance and almost immediately bear left into a short alley way* which leads to the Thames path in front of the Leander Club. (*NB During the Henley Regatta the Thames Path in front of the Leander Club is closed and there is a signposted diversion route around the rear of the Regatta site.)
(5) Follow this section of the Thames Path for 4.5km passing Remenham, Temple Island and Hambleden Lock until you reach Aston Ferry Lane.
(6) Turn right and walk up the lane to arrive back at the Flower Pot pub.(S/E)