Stonor to Marlow, Thames Valley

On this walk enjoy stately home and deer park, a windmill and a well-known vicar, red kites, Chiltern villages and hospitality scenic views, and a regatta town.

This walk is part of a multi-day hike: Thames Valley

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 16.88 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 5h 30 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 250 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 306 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 203 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 32 m

Description de la randonnée

Start : Junction Park Lane/B480, Stonor. Grid ref. SU 736 887

(S) Turn left (North) along the B130 at Stonor and at the iron railings at the end of the village turn right through the gate into Stonor deer park, keeping on the Chiltern Way. Pass to the right of Stonor House (A). As the path rises, looking back, there are lovely views over the Assendon Valley.

(1) Keep ahead through the wood to reach the road at Southend.

(2) Turn left and soon right to Southend Farm, on concrete drive becoming an enclosed lane (blackberries in season).

(3) Continue downhill as Turville windmill comes into view on the hill ahead. Pass through a copse and descend to a lane. Cross to bridle-way with hedge and fence on left. Ignore cross-tracks and keep ahead through an avenue of trees to enter the picturesque village of Turville.

(4) Turn right to visit the Bull and Butcher, otherwise cross the road to the footpath up to the windmill.

(5) Before climbing the hill bear right at the path junction on the Chiltern Way. Go into the copse, cross a lane and at the path junction at the far corner of beech wood descend right to the village of Fingest.

(6) Turn left along the road. Continue along the road in Fingest village passing the Norman church of St Bartholomew with its impressive early Norman west tower and rare double gable saddleback roof. Pass the Chequers pub.

(7) Soon turn right at a footpath sign on an uphill path. Just before Fieldfare's stile, a handy seat provides an excuse to appreciate the view over the valley. Cross the substantial stile and continue, still on rising ground, through beech wood hanger.

(8) At the top of the hill bear left across a field into the wood and at the next path junction bear left, leaving the Chiltern Way, which heads downhill to Skirmett where accommodation may be found at the Frog. Turn right at T-junction and keep ahead as the track becomes a lane.

(9) Soon after the junction of the lane and tracks turn right through the gate on a footpath between houses and cross a stile to another convenient seat at viewpoint. Follow the path between fences with open views back across the Hambleden valley.

(10) At a lane turn left and keep ahead on the main road into Frieth Village.

(11) Just past the church (The Yew Tree pub is straight on) turn right through the gate on a public footpath. Continue to two gates close together.

(12) Turn left after the second one at the path junction. Keep ahead to the path junction, go through the gate and continue ahead. (The short-cut path is very indistinct).

(13) Turn right along the lane where there are far-reaching views when the hedge has been cut.

(14) Keep ahead at the crossroads to a quiet spot where a tree has been planted in memory of a little girl. Descend to a road junction.

(15) Here turn sharply uphill past Kent's Wood. At the footpath sign on the right climb steps and cross the field in the direction indicated, enjoying the extended views. At the field boundary go through the gate onto a grassy track which joins the main track coming in from the right.

(16) Continue to a gate which can be by-passed if shut. Go past Woodend Farm to reach a lane.

(17) At the lane, turn right. The views now open up in a new direction.

(18) After 400yds at a cross-path turn left over the stile, heading for houses at Lower Woodend. Turn right along the lane.

(19) Soon take the fenced footpath left between properties. Climb the stile and keep to the field due to the bottom of the valley.

(20) Cross to the path opposite and climb the hill in the direction indicated to a stile in the top right-hand corner. Look back at the view before going through the gate and crossing the track to Marlow Common.

Bear left on the footpath signposted Bovingdon Green for a short distance then turn right at the path junction just past oak tree. Follow arrows along a meandering path through trees ignoring side tracks.

(21) At the road cross into the drive and take the narrow footpath to the left of the house. Pass through squeeze gate and cross fields to re-join the Chiltern Way on the track.

(22) Turn left and follow the track past houses to the hamlet of Bovinodon Green. Turn left on the lane through the green and at the main (Frieth) road.

(23) If not visiting the Royal Oak, cross to the opposite verge and turn right, still on the Chiltern Way. Pass to the left of Blounts Lodge.

(24) At the paths junction leave the Chiltern Way and turn right into the enclosed footpath which opens up to give views across Marlow to Winter Hill. Descend past allotments and turn right to the road.

(25) Turn left at the Duke of Marlow pub. Cross Prospect Rd and soon cross to the footpath on the right.

(26) At the next road turn left then right into Crown Rd with park on right. Continue past Sunlight Cottages to the main road in Marlow.

Turn right and at monument cross carefully and turn left into the High St which crosses Station Rd and leads down to the river Thames. Join the Thames Path on the left just before the church. (E)


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 91 m - Junction Park Lane/B480, Stonor
  2. 1 : km 0.98 - alt. 141 m - Wood
  3. 2 : km 2.04 - alt. 203 m - Road at Southend Farm
  4. 3 : km 2.73 - alt. 184 m - Enclosed lane - Downhill
  5. 4 : km 4.35 - alt. 84 m - Road - Village of Turville
  6. 5 : km 4.39 - alt. 85 m - Path junction - Chiltern Way
  7. 6 : km 5.26 - alt. 83 m - Junction
  8. 7 : km 5.51 - alt. 83 m - Footpath sign
  9. 8 : km 6.3 - alt. 169 m - Top of the hill - Wood
  10. 9 : km 6.99 - alt. 174 m - Junction of the lane and tracks
  11. 10 : km 7.45 - alt. 169 m - Lane
  12. 11 : km 8 - alt. 170 m - Frieth Village - Church
  13. 12 : km 8.34 - alt. 165 m - Gate - Path junction
  14. 13 : km 8.79 - alt. 147 m - Junction - Lane
  15. 14 : km 9.72 - alt. 156 m - Crossroads
  16. 15 : km 10.54 - alt. 129 m - Sharp turn uphill past Kent's Wood
  17. 16 : km 11.73 - alt. 134 m - Gate - Woodend Farm
  18. 17 : km 12.15 - alt. 134 m - Lane
  19. 18 : km 12.58 - alt. 128 m - Cross-path - Stile
  20. 19 : km 12.96 - alt. 112 m - Fenced footpath between properties
  21. 20 : km 13.5 - alt. 114 m - Bottom of the valley
  22. 21 : km 13.73 - alt. 103 m - Road
  23. 22 : km 14.25 - alt. 92 m - Junction
  24. 23 : km 14.69 - alt. 90 m - Chiltern Way
  25. 24 : km 14.97 - alt. 87 m - Paths junction
  26. 25 : km 15.86 - alt. 41 m - Duke of Marlow pub
  27. 26 : km 16.08 - alt. 38 m - Junction - Crown Rd
  28. E : km 16.88 - alt. 32 m - Church, Marlow

Practical information

Start : Junction Park Lane/B480, Stonor. Grid ref. SU 736 887

Maps : Map OS Explorer 171 & 172

Refreshments : Stonor House : Refreshment is available at the café at weekends and during the school holidays. (Located between the start and waypoint (1).

Accommodation : Skirmett where accommodation may be found at the Frog.

Find more information and walks at Round Reading Walks website here.

In the nearby area

(A) Stonor House and Deer Park : Stonor House in its beautiful setting in the Chiltern Hills has belonged to the Camoys family for over 800 vears. There is a 14th century chapel in the grounds next to an ancient stone circle and the Park supports a herd of fallow deer. Stonor House, the stately home of the Lord and Lady Camoys. Refreshment is available at the café at weekends and during the school holidays.

Marlow is a pleasant historic town surrounded by lovely countryside. The choice of speciality shops and boutiques is excellent, and if eating out there are pubs, cafes and exclusive restaurants. Marlow Regatta is held on the River Thames in mid June and other water sports may be enjoved on the river as well as
pleasure boat trips.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.