Meppershall and Shillington, Stondon

This circular walk covers the northern/western footpaths in Stondon and also strays into Meppershall and Shillington.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 7.51 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 2h 15 
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    Difficulty: Easy

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    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 34 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 34 m

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    Highest point: 81 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 53 m

Description de la randonnée

Start : The start point is Stondon village sign by the mini-roundabout on Station Road. Grid ref. TL 154 349

(S/E) From the mini-roundabout, initially stroll up Hillside Road in a North-Westerly direction past the school and village hall. For safety reasons keep to the left on the pavement.

(1) After progressing for 350m (just beyond The Pastures) take the signed footpath to the right just behind the new houses. Following this level grassy footpath for 1,400m brings you to the A600 (Bedford Road) with the Greyhound Stadium on your right. (A)

(2) Otherwise, turn to the left along the rough verge of Bedford Road for 250 metres, turning left again by a footpath sign. At first this path, with a ditch on the right, is quite overgrown but after a short distance the left hand side opens out to arable land. However the path is narrow and uneven so walk with care.

When you reach a hedge (600m), go straight ahead through a hedge onto a track (you’re now in Meppershall!) for a further 700m. This brings you to the first difficult aspect – finding the way through Chapel Farm.

(3) When you see on your left the opening to the farm buildings (signposted), go through and then almost immediately turn left again to go back on yourself (signposted) to cross a stile into a field that usually contains a few horses.

(4) Cross this field in the direction of the sign (South-Easterly for 200m) to cross another stile through a few metres of woodland over a bridge to reach another stile. Then cross two more fields, with a stile between these, in the direction of the sign (Southerly for 500m) to come back to Hillside Road by the bend - in fact it’s now become Meppershall Road.

(If you turn left here you can stroll down the road to the start/finish point so halving the distance for the walk.) Keep an eye open for a car down in the ditch – a not infrequent occurrence at this bend!

(5) Turn right and walk towards the water tower (300m) – just how many more aerials can they fit on the top! (By the way you’re back in Stondon).

(6) Just before the tower, turn left (South) into the signed footpath. At this point, you must fervently hope for two things - the fields ahead have not been recently ploughed and the ground is not wet!

The generally downhill path continues Southerly, and then becoming South-Westerly, for 1900m: it is quite well signposted except that navigating your way around Chibley Farm to reach Shillington Road can be troublesome. There are also several fences to cross and these can pose problems for the less able and for dogs. Basically keep the farmhouse/equestrian centre at a distance to your left.

(7) On reaching the Shillington Road, turn left and the start/finish point is only a 1700m stroll ahead. Obviously walking along the road itself is potentially hazardous: always walk facing approaching traffic as you then have maximum opportunity to observe and so react to any dangerous situation brought about by drivers.(S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 59 m - Mini-roundabout - Stondon village
  2. 1 : km 0.37 - alt. 63 m - Footpath right
  3. 2 : km 1.69 - alt. 54 m - A600 (Bedford Road)
  4. 3 : km 3.38 - alt. 67 m - Chapel Farm
  5. 4 : km 3.59 - alt. 68 m - Woodland - Bridge
  6. 5 : km 4 - alt. 77 m - Meppershall Road
  7. 6 : km 4.25 - alt. 81 m - Water tower
  8. 7 : km 5.94 - alt. 58 m - Shillington Road
  9. S/E : km 7.5 - alt. 59 m - Mini-roundabout - Stondon village

Practical information

Start : The start point is Stondon village sign by the mini-roundabout on Station Road. Grid ref. TL 154 349

Note & dog policy : When ‘off road’ please remain on signed footpaths – do not stray onto farmland, shut farm gates, and if you take dogs you must keep them under control!

If you encounter any problem on this walk please report using the form here.

Thanks to Alan Holbourn for describing this walk. Find more walks and information at Stondon Parish Council website here.

In the nearby area

(A) At this point if you’re already ‘knackered’, or just ‘plain’ thirsty, then we suggest you turn right for the Bird in Hand . Such temptation - a foaming pint of ale or a long cool G&T is only 350m away!

Other walks in the area

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.