Explore South and East areas of Stondon

This circular walk covers the footpaths of Stondon to the south and east and also strays into Hertfordshire.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 7.32 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 2h 10 
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    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 22 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 21 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 65 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 47 m

Description de la randonnée

Start : The start point is Stondon village sign by the mini-roundabout on Station Road. Grid ref. TL 154 349

(S/E) From the village sign, cross over Station Road (carefully) and enter Shannon Close. About 150 metres on the left side there is an entrance leading to FP46.

(1) At a gap in a hedge there is a footpath sign showing either straight ahead or left. Note whilst it looks like ahead this is the return route so turn left to go round two sides of a field keeping the hedge and the golf course to your left.

(2) Cross a wide wooden bridge to turn left again following footpath signs, with old farm buildings in view to the left, to cross another but narrow bridge into a small spinney with a pond. This deep pond, with steep sides, is potentially hazardous for children or dogs. As you emerge from the trees, with Holwellbury Farm to your left, turn right along a track.

(3) At a sign post showing paths to the left and straight ahead, turn left to follow a track climbing gently crossing a large field. After passing a track at right angles, the route later descends gently, curving slightly right into Holwell— here the Church Spire is directly ahead.

(4) On coming to the road after a group of houses including North Farm & Gurneys, turn right. The Church is well worth a stop for a look. Stroll, initially on the pavement on the left, along the twisting Holwell Road (it later becomes Waterloo Rd), through the attractive village, for almost 1800 m (about 20 minutes) until you reach New Wrights Farm Boarding Kennel.

(5) Just beyond the kennels, at the tall footpath signpost, turn right onto the track. You’re now over half way and heading back to Stondon! After 270m there is a slight kink to the left but continue over a bridge, now with the hedge on your right. After another 470m there is a sharp turn right and a few metres later a bridleway going left or ahead.

Go left keeping a hedge on your left (unless you want to re-visit Holwell Church!). Continue ahead ignoring FP 15 about 150 m on the left. Through the woods you’ll arrive at a footbridge that takes FP 50 to the right to Holwell again; again ignore and continue ahead for a few metres and then go half right through a gap in the hedge. Keep the hedge/ditch to your left, and follow the gently winding FP 49 back to the small wood and pond by Holwellbury Farm.

(3) Retrace your path by following the footpath signs through the wood and over the two bridges (waypoint (2)) that you’ll recognise. About 120m after the second bridge turn left along FP48 to cross the large field towards the houses. Just before the metal kissing gate turn right then proceed for 200m.

(1) At this point pass through the gap in the hedge and you’re back on the first part of the route for the last hundred metres or so back to the start point. (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 59 m - Mini-roundabout Stondon village
  2. 1 : km 0.2 - alt. 52 m - Gap in a hedge
  3. 2 : km 0.8 - alt. 48 m - Wide wooden bridge
  4. 3 : km 1.07 - alt. 52 m - Holwellbury Farm - Path junction
  5. 4 : km 2.3 - alt. 62 m - Road
  6. 5 : km 3.99 - alt. 60 m - New Wrights Farm Boarding Kennel
  7. S/E : km 7.32 - alt. 59 m - Mini-roundabout Stondon village

Practical information

Start : The start point is Stondon village sign by the mini-roundabout on Station Road. Grid ref. TL 154 349

Note & dog policy : When ‘off road’ please remain on signed footpaths – do not stray onto farmland, shut farm gates, and if you take dogs you must keep them under control!

Refreshment : If it’s hot make sure you carry some water or other drink with you.

If you encounter any problem on this walk please report using the form here.

Thanks to Alan Holbourn for describing this walk. Find more walks and information at Stondon Parish Council website here.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.