(S/E) From car park, turn right along road. Turn first left signed ‘Slapton ½m’. After 150m turn left onto public footpath. Follow path along shore.
(1) Path curves away from ley shore. At fingerpost turn left along boardwalk signed ‘permissive footpath’.
At end of boardwalk bear left along footpath signed ‘Deer Bridge ¼m’.
(2) At the road turn right up hill.
(3) Go straight over at Townsend Cross. Bear right and follow lane down and around to the left. At junction at Brook St Cross turn right.
(4) After passing Queen’s Arms, follow road around to left.
(5) From edge of village, follow path along side of road back down to Slapton Sands. Alternatively, just past Field Studies Centre turn right down farm track signed ‘public footpath’. jump to point 11.
(6) After 250m, by sign reading ‘Farm Only’, bear right through gate to continue along footpath.
(1) Path leads you back to retrace your steps around shore of ley to the road. Turn right. Cross to right at junction to return to car park.(S/E)