Park at Offchurch Greenway CV33 9AY.
(1) Walk downhill on railway track for 100m after the bridge, turn back on path on right up to the bridge, turn left to the road. Cross into Village St and take the path on right after 30mph signs. Go to the right of the house and turn left towards the pub, take the path on right just before. Cross field with the house to left and cross gates and stiles straight onto a gully, through HS2 works to Fields Farm. Go down left hand side of the barn, follow the hedge on the right then cross over to have hedge on left and cross open field to river, go right uphill to yellow post in corner and
(2) Follow boggy fields by the river. Turn right and at yellow post go across onto track. Turn right at road then at the junction turn left for 10m, take the path to right across field-aim for trees to the right of the white house. Stile, hedge on left to opening, cross field aiming to left of trees, to yellow post stile and bridge, continue to road stile and go right uphill to crossroads.
(3) Turn right onto Fosse Way- beware traffic, no footpath. Keep on right hand side to cobbled drive at Hillcrest, cross over road into lane marked Unsuitable for Motors, The Ridgeway. Go over the railway bridge and pass Snowford House on the tarmac, then continue, crossing two minor roads, to Welsh Farm Road by the Weak Bridge Ahead sign.
(4) Cross the road and continue to the canal bridge, access to towpath is on left of the bridge and turn right along the canal. Go under the Fosseway at Fosse Wharf and continue to a large arched bridge over the canal. This is the old railway line.
(5) Turn right uphill at the Offchurch Greenway sign and follow the track back to the start.(S/E)