Start: Boulevard Alexandre Delabre.
Initially, follow the Yellow markings to Col de la Moutte.
There, follow the Brown markings to climb up Béouveyre. Enjoy the panorama of Marseille, on over the Goudes and Maïre island on the other side.
From Béouveyre, follow the Blue markings to the summit of Marseilleveyre. Walk through a relatively difficult passage (marked on the IGN map) but can be crossed without problems.
You will reach the Col des Chèvres and, from there, the road will bring you to the Marseilleveyre cross (3) where you can enjoy a panoramic view of Marseille.
From the cross, continue on a gentle path with Blue markings to reach the ruins of the Vigie de Marseilleveyre. It takes you to the Red-marked path which takes you to Goudes. Follow it to the end and be careful not to take another marked route as this trail crosses others before arriving at Goudes.
Once at Goudes, turn right on the road to find your starting point.