(S/E) From the car park turn left (East) and walk the short distance to the entrance to Keil Caves, St Columba's Well and St Columba's Footprints.
(1) Go through the gate and walk up the steps (North-East) to the well and footprints, there is a good view across Dunaverty Bay from here. Retrace your steps back down to the gate. (1) Go through the gate and turn left (East), following the road past the cemetery.
(2) When you reach the public toilets, take the steps down the right (East) and walk past the toilet building onto the beach. The path follows the edge of the beach around the Dunaverty Bay.
(3) When you reach the end of the beach, take the track up to the top of Dunaverty Rock, once the location of Dunaverty Castle. Retrace your steps back to the beach, rejoin the road at the toilet block (2) and turn left (South-West) back to the car park (S/E).