(S/E) By entrance to car park, pass to left of the Tourist Information Centre to the road. Turn left and head up road past the filling station. Cross road above the roundabout and continue uphill.
(1) Just before a long ramp of steps, turn right down a green lane signed ‘Public Footpath’. By the gateway pillars, bear left along footpath. Follow path down through field around edge of wood. Enter the wood where you see the stile and follow the path straight on.
(2) After 200m, and before reaching the lane, turn left in front of the waymarker post. Follow path, which winds up to a stile on the top edge of the wood. Follow the green lane leading down into West Alvington and turn left onto the tarmac lane.
(3) At the main road turn left along pavement and then follow path above the road back into Kingsbridge. Cross road above roundabout. Continue down past filling station and turn right past Tourist Information Centre to car park.(S/E)