(S) With The Red Lion behind you turn left and walk southwestwards along Boldon Bridge (A184) until you reach the roundabout..
(1) Keep left at the roundabout, you will see a cycle path to your left, turn onto the cycle path. This will emerge onto Downhill Lane, cross the roundabout onto Washington Road, this runs southwards, parallel to the A19. You will see a new footbridge to your right, ignore this and continue walking down Washington Road.
(2) Washington Road will bend to the left away from the A19, look to your right, you should see a path leading to a footbridge over the A19, the road at the other side is a continuation of Washington Road.
(3) As you walk down Washington Road you will see the Nissan factory on your left and the North East Land Sea and Air Museum on your right, stop for a visit if you wish. Afterwards, continue walking down the old Washington Road, this will meet with the new Washington Road.
(4) At the traffic lights, turn left (south) into Cherry Blossom Way. This road will bend to the right, at the roundabout, stay on the path, turning left.
(5) You will reach the main road (Nissan Way), directly opposite you will see Wearside Farm (restaurant), cross the road and turn right along the Nisan Way. You will see the entrance to Barmston Pond to your right, stop to explore if you wish. At the end of Nissan Way cross the large roundabout over the A1231 Sunderland Highway taking great care as cars come up the sliproad very fast. Continue south down Pattinson Way.
(6) Just before the roundabout, you will see a place to cross, when you emerge from the short footpath, turn right (west) onto Alston Road (note that the path alternates on different sides of the road, take care when walking along this road). At the end of the road, turn left into Walton Road (south).
(7) Immediately after the Asda Distribution Centre, turn right onto a footpath which runs alongside the fence. This will emerge onto Horsley Road. Cross the road, a little to the left is a footpath which runs in front of the houses (west). At the end of this row of houses, you will see a sports pitch to your right, bear right and walk around the house directly in front of you then turn into Waskerly Road, maintaining a westerly direction.
(8) You will emerge onto Westerhope Road, cross the road and walk along the footpath to the right of the NE38 Sports Bar, maintaining the westerly direction. Cross Burnhope Way and pass through the tunnel under Northumbeland Way, exiting on Glebe Crescent. Turn right following Glebe Crescent, this will bend to the left.
(9) At the crossroads, turn left past the church to Washington Old Hall (E).