(S) Just north of The New Ship along Sunderland Road, you will see a footpath to your left, this is part of Bede's Way and the Way of Learning. Take this path (west) until you reach the roundabout. Cross the road, keeping right around the bushes to continue. This path will join Nevinson Avenue.
(1) Cross Nevinson Avenue using the traffic island and then walk down Holder House Lane (south). At the end of the road, continue in a southerly direction taking the path at the side of the allotments.
(2) At the end of the allotments, take the right path (south west) and keeping right, turning west. You should now have houses on your right. You will cross a turning circle, keep walking west along the path.
(3) After you have passed Forest View Primary School on your right you will reach a path junction, turn left (south) following Bede's Way/Way of Learning until you reach Tile Shed Lane.
(4) Turn right onto Tile Shed Lane and take care crossing the railway lines. Continue to follow Tile Shed Lane west, crossing the roundabout and the traffic lights.
(5) After the fence and bus shelter turn left onto the path which runs at along the left hand side of the River Don. This path first heads in a southerly direction and then turns southwest, before turning west. It is paved and easy to follow. You will have the river on your right and houses on your left at all times.
(6) You will eventually emerge onto North Road, turn left and walk down North Road until you reach a junction, bear right for the Red Lion, bear left for the Wheatsheaf, Black Horse and Addison Road if you parked the car here (E).