(S/E) Leave the car park by the John Street entrance and turn right. At the end cross the main road into the Market Place. Go into the churchyard and follow the path to the left. Turn right, and then first left into Church Street. At the T-junction, turn left and continue to the end.
(1) Cross straight over the road to go down the footpath at the side of Waterloo House. Follow the path past the floodwater storage area.
(2) As you continue on this path, ahead of you is Hamilton Hill and Willingham Woods. The footpath continues straight across a field and through the wood.
Hamilton Hill was used as an assembly point by the people gathering for the Lincolnshire rebellion when Henry VIII was dissolving the monasteries. Its shape - a dome sitting on a flat plain - is a feature of the last ice age. The material that formed it was deposited by a melting glacier.
(3) Continue on the main footpath under the telegraph poles. Continue ahead until you meet the Rasen Road.
(4) Cross the road then turn left; where the road bends to the left, go straight up the bridleway.
(5) Walk between the farmyard and house and follow the track. Cross Catskin Lane and continue over the cattle grids towards the houses.
(6) Go through Risby Manor farmyard and follow the track to the road.
(7) At the road turn right, and then go past the right turn to North Wold Farm and continue to the next hedgeline 200m on, signposted right. This section is the new line of the diverted public footpath.
(8) Following the path down to a metal kissing gate in the hedgerow. Once through the gate, turn left and continue along with the hedgeline on your left, along the escarpment edge.
From the top of the hill, you may be able to see Lincoln Cathedral.
(9) Go through the gate by Mill Farm and down the track into Tealby.
The church of All Saints sits almost at the highest point of the village. Part of the church dates from the 12th century. The close connection between Tealby and the Tennyson and Tennyson d'Eyncourt families is reflected in much of the interior decoration, with numerous memorials to family members.
(10) At the road turn right, and cross the road at the end. Turn left down the footpath next to the Lincolnshire Wolds board.
Continue ahead, until you reach the King's Head sign. Follow Sandy Lane to the right, then bear left at the 'Y' junction.
Tealby village shop, just on Beck Hill along Front Street, is run by the local community and is well worth a visit for refreshments, leaflets and local information.
(11) Turn right along the footpath by the stream. Go over the bridge and follow the young River Rase. Continue past the sewage works.
(12) Where there are 2 stiles, continue ahead to the hamlet of Tealby Thorpe.
(13) Turn left, then cross the bridge over the Rase and turn right. Follow the footpath to Dairy Farm. At the farm, the path crosses to the left of the buildings.
(14) Turn left onto the main forest track, and turn right onto another track towards the buildings.
(15) Stay on the track, past the buildings on your left and cottage on your right. Continue straight ahead as the track becomes a narrow woodland path.
(16) At the junction where five paths meet under telegraph poles, turn left under the telegraph poles. Where the poles go sharp right, follow the path left.
(17) Retrace your steps back to Market Rasen.(S/E)