(S/E) Start in the car park in John Street, Market Rasen. Leave the car park by the John Street entrance and turn right.
At the end, cross the main road into the Market Place. Go into the churchyard and follow the path to the left. Turn right at the road and then first left into Church Street. At the T-junction, turn left and continue to the end.
(1) Turn left into Walesby Road.
(2) Stay on this road and then turn left into Walesby Road (which later becomes Rasen Road).
(3) Carry straight on to Walesby village. You pass Catskin Lane on the right.
(4) The Ramblers' Church comes into view on the horizon. Pass St Mary's Church and at the corner go straight on up the track to the old church.
(5) At the church, the path goes through the gates into the churchyard. Leave the churchyard through the gate opposite the church doorway and turn left. Follow the edge of the field towards a stile in the corner.
This is the well known Ramblers' Church. Inside the church there are many faces watching you - see the carved faces on a pillar near the door - there are a few others elsewhere in the building!
(6) Cross a few fields following the Viking Way. Do take care, as parts of this path can be muddy.
You may see some more lumps in the ground - these are not archaeological features but anthills. If you are lucky you may get a glimpse of a green woodpecker that eats the meadow ants living in the anthills.
(7) Continue along the path to the right of some buildings, to the driveway of Risby Manor Farm.
Turn right onto the track. Cross the road and continue on the bridleway opposite.
(8) Bear left through the farmyard.
(9) At the main road, turn left. Where the road turns sharp left, turn right onto the footpath through the woods to return to Market Rasen.(S/E)