Featherstone Library to Old Town Hall

A short walk around a playing field in Featherstone.

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 1.73 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 0h 30 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 5 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 5 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 51 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 41 m


Start at Featherstone Library, parking available.

(S/E) Cross Station Lane and walk to the end of Wilson Street. Walk up the banking and follow the path to a set of concrete steps onto a grassed playing field. Bear right and walk over the top of the grassed hill as far as the railway fence.

(1) Turn left and walk parallel to the railway along a grass path as far as the security fence of a Transport Depot. Turn left and walk down a gentle, grassy slope.

(2) At the bottom, turn left and continue on the grassy path to the end of houses and follow the road round to the main road. Cross over Wakefield Road, turn left and walk on the roadside pavement to the Old Town Hall, pause and examine the large four panel mural depicting the history of Featherstone. Cross back over Wakefield Road into Station Lane and return to the Library.(S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 46 m - Library
  2. 1 : km 0.38 - alt. 51 m - Railway fence
  3. 2 : km 0.83 - alt. 44 m - Bottom
  4. S/E : km 1.73 - alt. 46 m - Library

Practical information

An easy, circular walk, mainly on good footpaths and roadside pavements.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.