The walk begins at the Crofton Community Centre where there is free parking available.
(S/E) Walk from the Community Centre down Middle Lane to the main road.
(1) Turn left and walk down the hill and cross over the railway bridge. Cross the road to the left hand side path and follow the roadside dirt path between the hedge and fence past the Moorhouse Opencast Coal Site.
(2) At the second bridge cross to the right hand side of the road and walk the roadside (no pavement for 200m) to the bus stops. Turn right onto a well-marked footpath and walk up the hill to Anglers Lake.
(3) Turn right on to the broad lakeside path and right again just before the hedge line at the 3-path junction. Follow the grass path on the hedge side. Walk through a kissing gate and continue straight forward following the hedge line to the bottom of the field. Go through another kissing gate and continue forward to the next gate (please be aware that there are sheep, cows and a bull in this field).
(4) Continue forward to Hare Park Railway Junction Bridge. Pass through the kissing gate and cross over the bridge. Walk up the road, bearing right past playing fields to the mini roundabout on High Street. Turn right and follow the main road back to the Community Centre.(S/E)