Duke of Northumberland's River to Syon Park and Kew Bridge

An interesting walk along the Duke of Northumberland’s river from the Meadway in Twickenham, through old Isleworth, to Syon Park. The attractions in Syon Park include the house and gardens and one of the largest Garden Centres in the country. A short extension to Kew Bridge following a brief section of the Grand Union Canal with its docks and then the Thames, is included. The Musical Museum and London Museum of Water & Steam can be seen on this section. Return is made by bus or train.

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 9.60 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 2h 45 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 0 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 16 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 21 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 5 m

Description de la randonnée

(S) From the station, turn left into Percy Road and then left again into Jubilee Avenue. Follow this avenue until you reach Meadway.

(1) From the river bridge in Meadway, Twickenham, turn into Kneller Gardens (Crane Park is on the other side of the road - Walk 15), and turn right immediately to go down a slop. Follow the path along by the River Crane, cross a concrete bridge and turn left. You will notice here that the river divides, the Crane goes off to the right and the Duke of Northumberland's river is the left-hand branch. Take the small path to the left of an electricity sub-station and cross another bridge over the Crane. Turn left immediately on a path leading to another bridge which leads to the Duke of Northumberland's river. On reaching the river turn right and follow the path through a short tunnel under the railway, and soon pass Twickenham Sports Stadium on the right. (If tunnel is flooded take the parallel path to the right until you reach a narrow path to the left. You then reach the dual carriageway (Chertsey Road ).

(2) At the next road (Chertsey Road) cross the footbridge and continue along a short stretch by the river to Whitton Road (next road). Go over the pedestrian crossing to the towpath opposite and pass a school on the left and Twickenham Rugby Ground on the right.

(3) At Whitton Dene (next road), cross the road and turn right. At the roundabout turn left then immediately sharp left over a footbridge to follow the path left of the river. This leads you through the Mogden Sewage Treatment Works (formally West Middlesex Drainage Works). The smell was not at all bad. At the end, bend left and right to leave the works. Continue down the road ahead and turn left over the bridge past the riverside pub, and immediately right to follow the path along the river beside Riverside Walk. At the end of this turn right by the river, but do not cross the footbridge. Continue through the wide passage then you reach St John's Road. (Turn left here for Isleworth Station if you wish to return to Whitton Station at this point.)

(4) To continue the walk, turn right down St John's Road to the Twickenham Road, where you may wish to catch the 267 bus back to Third Cross Road, Twickenham. Cross the busy road and turn left, past Sermons Almshouses and cross North Street to enter a small park just before the bridge. Follow the path by the river to the gate at the end of the park and turn left over a very old bridge. Turn right down a little passage past a group of charming one-storey almshouses founded by Sir Thomas Ingram in 1664.

The passage emerges by the Mill Pond on the right in Old Isleworth. We leave the Duke of Northumberland's river here to turn left through bollards across the road. This quaint street leads to the London Apprentice which stands on one of the oldest public house sites by the River Thames. Lady Jane Grey and Charles II both visited this inn, although the building was reconstructed in 1905. Facing the river are some interesting houses, Nos. 59 and 61 are both Georgian and Richard Reynolds House was built in 1700. It was on this site that Sir Richard Reynolds lived; he was chaplain to the nuns at Syon and was executed in 1535 because he refused to accept the Crown's supremacy over the Church. (There is a plaque to him on one of the old buildings near the car park at Syon). All Saints Church was burnt down in 1943 by two boys who also accounted for Hounslow Church. Only the 15th century tower remains which has been incorporated into the modern new church which was opened in 1970. Behind the church is the site of the Plague Pit where over 100 victims of the Great Plague were buried.

(5) Go past the church and left round the corner to enter Syon Park on the right. Follow the drive through the parkland to pass Syon House on the right.

This is the seat of the Duke of Northumberland and the gardens were designed by Capability Brown. The Great Conservatory was built by Dr Fowler in 1827 and inspired Paxton's design for the Crystal Palace. There is also a six-acre rose garden and a large lake in the garden.

(6) Walk past the car park and the cafe to leave Syon Park by the pedestrian exit. The 267 bus to Twickenham can be caught a short distance to the right on London Road (A315). To return by train, follow Brentford High Street as far as the Magistrate's Court standing back from the road.

Behind this is The Butts, a square of beautiful houses dating from the 1690s onwards. Cross it diagonally and turn right, and left in Boston Manor Road towards Brentford station.

(7) Extension to Kew Bridge (1.75 miles)
Outside the pedestrian entrance to Syon Park, turn right past some shops to the Grand Union Canal. Cross the bridge and take the second turning on the right, Augustus Close, which climbs to cross the canal again. Turn left in front of Galba Court to a footbridge where steps lead down to a path beside the canal going up to Thames Locks. (An alternative route is to cross the footbridge, go down the steps and ahead to a road called The Ham. Turn right and follow Brent Way round all its curves and back to the canal at the "Brewery Tap ". Climb the steps facing the pub and carry on across a small basin and weir, alongside and over the Thames Locks, emerging on Dock Road).

(8) Turn left up Dock Road to Brentford High Street and turn right. Shortly turn right to follow the signpost “Thames Path” beside the Heidelberg building. Continue on the path by the river. On reaching Soaphouse Creek follow it round until you reach the far corner and then follow the “Thames Path” sign in front of the flats back to the main river.

(9) When reaching the end of the path at the slipway turn left following the Thames Path to the High street.
Continue down the High Street to the Waterman's Arts centre.

This houses a cinema and theatre, and art gallery and foyer. The cafe & bar is open all day from 10am. The Musical Museum is nearby and the tall chimney belonging to the London Museum of Water and Steam is clearly visible.

Turn down the slipway before the Centre and then through the blue gateway on left. Turn right and follow path round and up the steps along the river at the back of the centre. At the end of the gardens turn up to the road for a short distance to take a path on the right down steps to the Hollows. Follow the path by the Thames until you reach the Kew Bridge.

The 267 bus stop for the return to Twickenham is on the river side of Brentford High road. On the otherside it takes you to Gunnersbury underground Station. Walk under the bridge and come up the further side for the 65 and 391 bus stop to Richmond. Kew Bridge station is near the traffic lights. Trains are normally every 15 mins in each direction . For return to Richmond, via Whitton platform 2, some go direct or change at Feltham. Trains from platform 1 via Chiswick (toward Waterloo), you need to change at Barnes .(E)


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 21 m - Whitton Station
  2. 1 : km 0.68 - alt. 15 m - Bridge
  3. 2 : km 1.69 - alt. 13 m - Chertsey Road
  4. 3 : km 2.52 - alt. 15 m - Whitton Dene
  5. 4 : km 4.28 - alt. 12 m - St John's Road
  6. 5 : km 5.5 - alt. 11 m - Church
  7. 6 : km 6.26 - alt. 8 m - Car park
  8. 7 : km 6.77 - alt. 11 m - London Road
  9. 8 : km 7.61 - alt. 8 m - Dock Road
  10. 9 : km 8.49 - alt. 8 m - End of the path
  11. E : km 9.6 - alt. 5 m - Kew Bridge Station

Practical information

Station: Whitton. From the station turn left over the bridge and first left down Jubilee Avenue. When you reach the main road (Chertsey Road) turn left then left down the path before the railway and cross the road by the subway to Meadway and on to the river bridge.

Car Parking: In Meadway or Second or Third Cross Roads, please park discreetly.

Refreshments: Cafeteria in Syon Park or pubs in Isleworth.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.