(S/E) The walk starts right in the centre of Berkswell next to the Store and Stove Cafe. Emerging from the car park, cross the road and go right for 30 paces to take the narrow signed footpath left through the arch between two bungalows.
Go along the passage, between fences, to take the wooden kissing gate into a field and stay ahead with the hedge right. Take a gate/kissing gate into the second field and then a further kissing gate into the third field.
(1) Continue with hedge right and just before the field corner, take further kissing gate right, then go left with hedge left. At the corner follow the field edge around right, then take the kissing gate left to continue up the field with trees & fence left under power lines towards farm buildings.
At the top take kissing gate and go ahead between concrete barns and onto track past the remarkable Ram Hall Farm (home of the famous Berkswell Cheese, made from Ewes' milk) on your right. This is a working farm and during busy times, for safety reasons, a permissive route round the back of the left barn may be in use, re-joining the track over a stile. Continue to the end of the farm track to reach the surfaced Baulk Lane.
(2) Cross over Baulk Lane to take the metal kissing gate opposite then stay ahead to cross directly over the centre of the field under power lines to hedge corner and continue ahead for 30 paces with hedge right to pass through a metal kissing gate and over left-hand concrete footbridge.
Then go left for 30 paces to turn right in same field and head up incline towards far pylon. On reaching a waymarker by the Oak tree head diagonally right across field.
Turn right onto farm driveway then, after 60 paces, cross stile on left. Keeping hedge left, continue under power cables to corner of field. Cross stile and continue 70 paces with wooden fence right, then go through wooden kissing gate on left. Go right along driveway from Moat House Farm & Barn entrances and then turn left onto Truggist Lane.
(3) Continue along Truggist Lane for 110 paces then take the surfaced Fordrough drive right, next to Jasmine Cottage. Go through a large kissing gate into field to stay ahead with trees and a fence on the left. Take the corner kissing gate and continue forward along somewhat narrow fenced path with hedge left, soon crossing a short section of boarded walkway then exiting by kissing gate to farm driveway.
Go left along driveway to reach Hodgett's Lane. You now join The Millennium Way with our black and white waymarkers.
(4) Go left on the road to reach a T-junction at Carol Green. Turn right here to reach another T-junction. Turn left onto Spencer's Lane and after 20 paces take driveway right to cross stile to vehicle track. Go ahead on the track to take a kissing gate and ahead to exit track by further kissing gate to the field.
Go to right of power pole to cross the field and find the top corner kissing gate. Take this kissing gate / plank bridge / kissing gate and go ahead with the fence right and left, ignore kissing gates to left but continue ahead to find kissing gate / plank bridge / kissing gate. Then stay ahead, over rough driveway, keeping hedge and trees right to pass under power lines.
(5) 100 paces after passing under the power lines you will come to a crossroad of paths and a mid hedge gap on right with kissing gate and a way post with several way marks. Stop. Remain in the field then turn left (walking away from the kissing gate and way post) across field to take ditch bridge located 10 paces in from right field corner.
Continue ahead with wire fence left across field to exit by kissing gate. Go with hedge right to top right swamp boards and take kissing gate. Go with hedge right and at end of trees take ditch bridge and kissing gate right and then go left continuing with hedge left under power lines. At field corner go ahead over large field aiming 70 paces to right of white house to find corner gap.
(6) Ignore the gap (here we leave The Millennium Way) and instead go left to carry on around the edge of same field with hedge right. When you soon reach a large metal gate and fence stile, go diagonally half left across field to reach far line of trees. The paths here are usually very distinct.
On reaching line of trees take kissing gate and go directly ahead over next field to reach a hedge gap. Take gap then corner kissing gate into next field staying straight ahead to pass a large lone tree on your left and a few other trees in mid field.
Stay ahead to field corner, where the path descends slightly to reach a corner kissing gate. Take kissing gate through short passageway to Broad Lane. Turn left slightly downhill to reach crossroads. You can stop here at The Bear Inn or continue across the crossroads to return to your starting point at the Lavender Hall Lane Car Park and Store and Stove cafe. (S/E)