(S) From the "standing cross" on The Green at Meriden, cross the road and turn right to the roundabout. Turn left into Hampton Lane and after 200 paces (at Cobblers Corner) turn left to the passageway and the stile.
(1) Turn left to reach a concrete track. Take the kissing gate opposite and follow round the top left edge of the field to a large kissing gate.
DO NOT go through the gate, but go right in the same field with the hedge left to take a wooden kissing gate adjacent to the gate. Go with the wall left. At the end of the wall go up the hill to find a mid fence metal gate. Take the gate and go 1/2 left to find and take a corner tricky stile to the road.
(2) Cross the road and take the kissing gate and ahead 1/2 left across the field to the hidden corner kissing gate. Take the gate and go right with the hedge right to exit the field by a kissing gate. Go ahead with the hedge right.
Halfway along go right through the gap, then with the hedge left to take a grassy exit track to a gate onto the road. Go ahead uphill.
(3) Pass St Laurence Church, with an interesting plaque about the Heart of England Way, to a house called Fentham on your right at the road corner. Take the grassy vehicle track to the left of the house to find a kissing gate. Take the kissing gate and go ½ right across the field, or round right hand edge on a permissive route, to exit by the far right corner gate.
Go ahead on the track with the hedge left. to find a gap on the left with a kissing gate. Take the kissing gate and go ½ right to cross the field to find a way post at the edge of the wood.
(4) Turn your back to the wood and go ahead across the field to pass to the left of a lone oak to find a wood edge. Go left with the wood right to find a kissing gate (This apparent doubling back is to ensure public rights of way are followed.) Take the kissing gate to the foot bridge to the field.
Go right 25 paces and turn left up field centre to the skyline hedge gap. Through the gap and continue ahead with the hedge left. Follow the track round past a barn right to the road.
(5) Go left on the road, pass Shirley Lane, under pylons and take the kissing gate right opposite Oak Farm. Go to the top left corner kissing gate. Take the kissing gate and continue down the field to the far left corner gap. Through the gap and continue ahead to take a kissing gate to the road.
(6) Go right and after 250 paces pass two cottages on your left. Face the last cottage and take the path to the right of the cottage passing through a garden with a cottage left to reach the fence gap exit to find a hidden passage. Take the passage to reach a kissing gate leading into overgrown woodland to find a kissing gate. Take the kissing gate and go left with the hedge left to come to the field corner kissing gate.
Take the kissing gate and go right to the hedge gap continue ahead under pylons to a second hedge gap. Through the gap and continue ahead with the hedge left to the field corner gap/stile, through a collecting of paddock, to a stile and the road.
(7) Go left after 40 paces and take the driveway right. Take the gap left before Sunny View Cottage and follow the high fenced path round to exit a copse by a gap, and ahead with the hedge left to come to the field corner. At the field corner go ahead over the field towards the pylon to reach the hedge. Go with the hedge right to the field corner kissing gate.
(8) Take the kissing gate and footbridge and go left with the hedge left to the field corner kissing gate. Take the gate and the swamp boards and go left with the hedge left to exit the field by a kissing gate. Go with the wire fence right to find and take the mid hedge gap with the ditch bridge. Ahead to the hedge gap with the kissing gate and various way mark signs.
DO NOT go through gap but remain in the field and go right with the hedge left, take the field corner kissing gate / bridge / kissing gate and ahead with the hedge left/ fence right to the ditch bridge / kissing gate. Take the gate and go 1/4 right towards the power pole with the adjacent kissing gate.
(9) Take the kissing gate to a vehicle way, and ahead through a kissing gate to a kissing gate, to a stile, to the road.
(10) Go left 20 paces and turn right down Truggist Lane and then left on Hodgetts Lane. Continue on Hodgetts Lane over railway bridge. We now leave the original Millennium Way, so this diversion does not show on OS maps but our waymarking and GPS is updated.
Stay on Hodgett's Lane for 300 yards to take the footpath right by a house called "The Pines". Take this narrow enclosed footpath at the side of the drive and exit by a stile on the left to a small field. Go right and through the gated gap/stile and stay forward to take the double stile. Stay with the hedge right and exit by the stile to a narrow enclosed path, emerging to the road.
(11) Turn right down the very busy road with no pavement to cross the bridge (line of HS2) and continue on the road to reach the pedestrian lights/crossing. Go left over the crossing to reach the newly constructed Greenway track opposite. Go right on the track between fences. The track swings left & right a few times. Go past the footpath which crosses the track & continue towards pylons.
(12) As you reach overhead power cables turn sharp right off the track to take the metal kissing gate. Stay along the track parallel to the overhead power lines and on reaching the large metal gate go right along the narrow path. Take the wooden gate across the small footbridge and bear right to exit on the farm lane.
Turn left to reach the road then go right for 40 paces to take the footpath left over the stile to the field. Here you rejoin the original Millennium Way.
(13) Go with the hedge right to cross the bridge ditch gap and keep ahead with the hedge right around two sides of the field to exit right by the far left corner field gap. Take the gap and ahead with the hedge left to exit the field by a gate/stile left. Go ahead with the hedge right to the corner kissing gate.
Take the kissing gate, go left over the driveway to take the hidden bridge gate into the field. Go 1/2 left to take the gap by a large tree, maintain the line cross the field to take a bridge ditch, stile and go ahead with the hedge and fence left.
Round two sides of the field to reach the field corner gap. Go left through a kissing gate, and continue with the hedge right to a stile / gap leading into a grassy passageway through a copse. Exit the copse by a kissing gate to the road.
(14) Go left and after 10 paces go right and take the gate into a field. Go 1/4 left to the mid fence ditch bridge and kissing gate. Take the kissing gate and go left to take the corner double kissing gates. Go 1/4 right to the left of the copse and find and take a stile bridge stile.
Go left down the field. At the corner, go right with the hedge left, ignore the first hedge gap and continue to follow round this field edge to finally exit by the gap left, with a hidden waymarkers. Go right over the field to pass a large oak tree to find and go right up the farm driveway towards Rudfyn Farm.
(15) Before the farm take the waymarked path left through the copse. Exit the copse and go right to follow round the field edge and to the field corner. Maintain the line ahead (100 yards to the right of the pylon) over the field to join the far field edge. Go left with the hedge right, next to the pylon to find the field corner. Exit the field by the field corner gap.
Go with the hedge left, pass a dew pond left and a way post, turn left and follow the hedge left to another waymark on the left before the end of the field. Go right across the field. At the field corner enter the copse. Through the copse and go with the hedge right to enter further small copse. Exit the copse by the ditch bridge and go right to find a kissing gate to the road.
(16) Go right 10 paces and take the kissing gate left. Go left towards the castle on the skyline. Find a kissing gate by power lines. Go left with the hedge left take a kissing gate into the copse. Exit the copse and go right across the field to reach the field kissing gate. Take the gate and head towards the right of the castle to find a gap by the derelict building. Take the gap and go left to the kissing gate into the lane.
(17) Go left to reach the main road and then continue in the same direction down past the famous Kenilworth Castle. On your left are the Queen and Castle pub and a couple of lovely tearooms. (E)