From Long Itchington, Millenium Way

A lovely walk from Long Itchington, a village with 7 pubs nearby! it goes over open fields and back along a stretch of the Grand Union Canal. This is walk 26 from the 44 composing the Millenium Way.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 10.22 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 3h 00 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 25 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 22 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 90 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 66 m


Start: The Duck on the Pond Long Itchington CV47 9QJ. Grid Ref: SP416 653

(S/E) Emerging from the Duck pub car park go directly across the road into Leamington Road, keeping the large duck pond to your right, then turning left to walk down Church Road. You will pass The Harvester Inn, the Coop Foodstore and then Holy Trinity Church on your left to turn left into Bascote Road. Here you have joined The Millennium Way.

(1) Cross bridge over the river and at the end of the wooden fencing ignore the stile right and go a further 30 paces to take kissing right gate into the field following our black and white waymarker. Go with the fence right to find a kissing gate right.

Take the kissing gate / bridge / kissing gate and ahead with the ditch / fence left, ignore the kissing gate left and continue ahead up the field with the river now on your right to take the far mid fence kissing gate by the river bridge, to a small road.

(2) Go right to cross the road bridge and pass the 30mph signs following the road round to arrive at T-junction, then go left on Short Lane and at the end of the first house garden take passageway left. At the end of the passageway take the kissing gate and go half left across the field to find the gate/gap by the pumping station.

(3) Take the gate/gap going ahead with the White Hall Farm buildings to your right then through the kissing gate to exit ahead by a gap into the field. Keep ahead keeping hedge right and stock fence left to reach the field corner, then turn left keeping the hedge and ditch right to eventually find and take the footbridge on your right.

Keep the stream on your left and after some 130 paces carefully look for a sometimes difficult to see waymark into the woods.

(4) Follow the path through woods with the river left to cross a tubular bridge. After crossing the bridge turn left and after 20 paces go past remnants of the metal gate to cross over a narrow disused railway line then take the metal gate ahead to the field.

Go left round field for 60 paces to come to the field corner. Stop. Go diagonally 3/4 right, initially parallel to the power lines, across the field and then under power lines, to find a mid hedge gap by a telegraph pole with a small white footpath sign.

Take gap and go straight across next field towards the distant white house to take mid hedge stile. Continue ahead over the next field maintaining a line to exit by telegraph pole to Stonebridge Lane.

(5) Go right for some distance then as you start to rise, some 200 paces before the brow of hill, go left through the gate along a track known as Ridgeway Lane (Here we have left The Millennium Way which goes right).

Continue straight ahead towards the wood on a well marked track for approx 3/4 mile (with one gate along the track to pass through) to eventually reach a road.

(6) Cross the road then continue along the track, turning left onto canal towpath just before the bridge. HS2 works are alongside at this point. You are now walking along the towpath of the Grand Union Canal. Continue along the towpath passing Bascote Locks until you reach Bridge 25. Do not pass under bridge, unless you want to stop off at The Two Boats pub a few yards on, but look out for the small brick-built cubicle next to the towpath (here we rejoin the Millennium Way).

(7) Go behind the cubicle to take a kissing gate leading into a paddock. Cross the paddock and take two further kissing gates on either side of a farm track. Go ahead over the field to take a wooden footbridge then continue on to exit by kissing gate and ahead on grass track between trees towards a modern white house with a distinctive rear projection.

Take the kissing gate and turn left to follow Thorn Way which arrives into an open area known as The Square.

(8) Exit square by going right passing the quaint Harvester Inn on the right to reach the crossroads. Go right and very shortly you will come back to the main road with Duck on the Pond pub opposite. (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 75 m
  2. 1 : km 0.51 - alt. 70 m
  3. 2 : km 1.17 - alt. 69 m
  4. 3 : km 1.89 - alt. 71 m
  5. 4 : km 2.67 - alt. 68 m
  6. 5 : km 3.5 - alt. 75 m
  7. 6 : km 5.2 - alt. 68 m
  8. 7 : km 9.37 - alt. 75 m
  9. 8 : km 9.92 - alt. 72 m
  10. S/E : km 10.22 - alt. 75 m

Practical information

?Start: Duck on the Pond Long Itchington CV47 9QJ. Grid Ref: SP416 653
?Parking: Duck on the Pond if taking refreshment or roadside
?Maps: OS Explorer 221 &222 or OS Landranger 151
?Stiles: 1 (dog friendly)

  • Duck on the Pond (01962 815444)
  • Harvester Inn just prior to end

A lovely walk from Long Itchington, a village with 7 pubs nearby! it goes over open fields and back along a stretch of the Grand Union Canal. During the first half of the walk you will enjoy the Millennium Way, waymarked with the distinctive black and white waymarkers.

More information at Millenium Way website here.

In the nearby area

The village is named after the River Itchen which flows to the south and west of the village. Long Itchington is located around two miles north of Southam on the A423. In the village you will find an interesting half timbered Tudor house where Queen Elizabeth I is said to have stayed in 1572 & 1575. The old " Manor House " in the square dates from the 15th century.

Points of Interest - What to know and what to see.... by Andy Botherway

  • Long Itchington Tudor House

The Tudor House, just south of the walk start on the A423 Southam Road, is said to have been visited by Queen Elizabeth in 1572 and 1575, when it was the home of Lady Anne Holbourne, daughter of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester.

Holy Trinity Church - the oldest part of the church is the 13th Century south aisle. The chancel, nave and tower are 14th Century.

The River Itchen, after which Long Itchington is named, flows into the River Leam. The River Leam starts in a spring at Helidon and is about 26 miles long joining the River Avon between Warwick and Leamington.

St. Wulfstan was born in the village c1012. He became Bishop of Worcester in 1062 and by 1076 was the only remaining English bishop not to have been replaced, by William the Conqueror, with a Norman.

Cement WorksTo the west of the disused cement works is a small Model Village which was built to house the workers in the early 1900’s.

The view from the bridge of the disused railway line to the north west is of the junction of the Weedon branch joining the Leamington Rugby line. This line opened in 1851 and closed to passenger traffic in 1959. The line remained open for freight serving the now closed cement works in Long Itchington until 1985. Trains for the cement works had to reverse from the Rugby line onto the Weedon branch as the Leamington section had been removed.

  • Bascote LocksBascote Locks on the Grand Union Canal

The top two locks at Bascote on the Grand Union Canal, numbers 14 and 15, are paired as a staircase - that is the top gate of the bottom lock also acts as the bottom gate of the top lock.

Operating a staircase is very different from operating a normal flight of locks. This is an efficient, but potentially confusing, arrangement and British Waterways provide a notice giving instructions to boaters. Our picture from below shows what a substantial piece of engineering they are. The main line of the Grand Union Canal starts in London and ends in Birmingham (Digbeth), stretching for 137 miles with 166 locks.

Reviews and comments

4 / 5
Based on 1 review

Reliability of the description
5 / 5
Clarity of route map
3 / 5
Route interest
4 / 5
John Stallard
John Stallard

Overall rating : 4 / 5

Date of walk : 24/02/24
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★☆☆ Average
Route interest : ★★★★☆ Good

Really nice walk although route was blocked at one point by livestock electric fencing.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.