Start: Bermuda Park Railway Station (CV10 7QR) Grid ref. SP 359 896
(S) From Bermuda Park (A) Railway Station entrance go left a few paces then left on a tarmac path that goes under the green railway bridge. Continue on the path to a fork, go right and follow the path through a tunnel under a road.
(1) Keep straight on through the metal barriers beyond and after about 30 metres, before reaching a plank bridge over a stream, turn right on a large path. Keep straight on along this to a clearing. The path you follow on this stretch of the walk follows the line of an old branch canal (B) that once served his coal mines in the area.
Ignore the clear path going left and go straight on past a sign to find a bench with a view of the canal ahead. Go past the bench and through a metal barrier, then keep straight on along a narrow path with the canal to your left.
(2) Reach a brick bridge, known locally as the Turnover Bridge. Cross it and go right to continue in the same direction, but now with the canal on your right. Continue for 1.7 Km until you reach Marston Junction (C), where the Ashby Canal goes off to the left. Cross the junction bridge and go ahead a short distance to the next bridge, keep left of it to reach a road.
(3) Go left on the road for about 20 metres. Immediately after the road crosses a ditch step over the crash barrier on the right and go down the short bank to an old concrete stile next to an old fingerpost and enter a field.
(If the short bank down to the stile is too overgrown, keep ahead on the road a short distance and climb a silver field gate on the right to enter the same field.)
Go to the far left corner of this rectangular field and climb two awkward stiles to enter the next field. Go half left to pass a protruding hedge corner and follow the hedge on your right a few paces. The formal line of the path is often blocked by crops at this point. If it is clear, go half left angling away from the hedge up to the brow of the hill somewhere between the two pylons.
(4) Once over the brow you will see buildings hidden in trees in the far right field corner. Head for the biggest of three pylons just to the right of these where you will find a waymarked gap in the hedge about 50 metres right of the buildings.
(5) Go through the gap and go half left to pass just right of the first pylon. Keep in the same direction, getting ever closer to the hedge on your left until you reach a track by a house.
(6) Turn right at the waymark post and go down to another pylon. Go half left down the field, passing two lone trees, to the bottom hedge. Turn right and follow the hedge on your left. Look for a small waymark post at the top of a bank that directs you onto a path running between bushes and trees to reach the canal again.
(7) Turn left a short distance to bridge 14. Go up onto the road (B4029) and turn right up it. After about half a mile you will find Bedworth (C) Station on the right from where you can catch a train back. Alternatively keep straight on a little further to find the town centre where shops and refreshments are available.(E):