Around Blenheim Park from Woodstock

This circular walk mainly explores Blenheim Park, its monuments and distinctive characteristics including the Grand Bridge, the Column of Victory, Rosamund's Well and an impressive Cedar of Lebanon tree!

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 10.30 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 3h 10 
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    Difficulty: Easy

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    Return to departure point: Yes
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    Vertical gain: + 76 m
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    Vertical drop: - 81 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 122 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 80 m


Description de la randonnée

Park your car in Woodstock (Union Street car park for example). The walk starts from Woodstock Hall close to "The Bear Hotel" and the post office.

(S/E) Walk along Park Street for 150 metres and turn right (North) in Chaucer's Lane (dead-end signpost). Then, ignore Harrison's Lane which bends right and go down the stairs in front of you (North). At the road (A44), walk along the pavement West in Oxford Street for 150 metres until you join a green entrance gate that leads to Blenheim Park. At the junction, bear right (West) to the concrete path with great views to Queen Pool and Blenheim Palace far away.

(1) When you reach a building (renovation work), bear left for 100 metres before you go through the stile on the right (West) and ascend straight the grassy slope which leads to the Column of Victory you catch sight of far away.

(2) From the top of the hill, the column (134 feet) and the view are really impressive!!! Descend the grassy way on the other side (South-West) reaching the asphalt. Turn left (East) and walk to the Grand Bridge. Don't cross the bridge (No free public access). When you enjoyed the bridge, walk back for 100 metres and bear left (South) when you see a small gate. Follow the path which slightly goes down until you reach a famous and impressive Cedar of Lebanon tree (probably from the 18th century).

(3) This is an iconic feature site because it's known as the "Harry Potter tree"! Enjoy the view of Blenheim Palace and the Grand Bridge as well! Continue this path, go past Rosamund's Well (Built by Henry II) until you reach a junction at the end of the Great Lake.

(4) Ignore the way which goes up on your right, bear left, go through a gate following the path in fields leading to the road. Turn left, walk this road for almost half a mile enjoying beautiful Oak trees.

(5) The road bends round to the left. Just before this bend, you need to turn right through a green gate and then right on the road. and turn right immediately. Follow the road, ignore Long Hanborough Road on the left and continue straight Park Road for 500 metres. Go past two properties on your way before you turn right to the footpath with a yellow arrow. Go across the field (can be very muddy after wet conditions!) for 200 metres which leads to a grassy path next to the field.

(6) You finally reach a wall and find stairs to go through this wall. Past the wall, leave the private way on the left but take the second one following the yellow arrow. Then, bear slightly left in the open grassland and ascend the path (yellow arrow signpost). Walk along the fence for 350 metres. Ignore the private track on the right which goes to Blenheim Farm but follow the grassy track in front of you. Walk along the woods for almost 700 metres until you reach a gravel road.

(7) At the gravel road, turn right (South-East) (footpath signpost) for a few metres and go through two gates on your left leaving this road which leads to the farm. The path goes straight across the park, sharply goes left before it bends right, look out for a stile in the right hand corner of the field to reach an asphalt road.

Walk this road on the right side between trees. Take the footpath straight back up to the Colum of Victoria (2). From the Column turn left (East) back down to the building next to Queen Pool you've seen at the beginning (1). From now on, you just need to use the way you know to go back to Park Street in Woodstock.(S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 101 m - Woodstock (Union Street car park for example)
  2. 1 : km 0.79 - alt. 86 m - Building (renovation work)
  3. 2 : km 1.19 - alt. 101 m - Column of Victory
  4. 3 : km 2.62 - alt. 92 m - Harry Potter tree
  5. 4 : km 3.74 - alt. 88 m - Junction
  6. 5 : km 4.61 - alt. 119 m - Entrance gate
  7. 6 : km 6.11 - alt. 104 m - Wall and stairs
  8. 7 : km 7.43 - alt. 111 m - Gravel road
  9. S/E : km 10.3 - alt. 101 m - Woodstock (Union Street car park for example)

In the nearby area

Reviews and comments

4.9 / 5
Based on 3 reviews

Reliability of the description
5 / 5
Clarity of route map
5 / 5
Route interest
4.7 / 5

Overall rating : 4.5 / 5

Date of walk : 12/01/23
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : N/A
Route interest : ★★★★☆ Good

We found parking in the free carpark (before 10am) but it filled up fast. The lake work is still going on so we walked passed the ¨stile which takes you up to the victory column & reached the column, by climbing up the hill from the other side of the fenced off works road. Many people were doing this so we just followed.
This was a great winter walk with plenty of interesting things to see & not alot of mud!

Delphinium ★

Thank you Alan for this feedback. I just contacted the author and we are going to see how to adjust the walk following your instructions.
Enjoy your walks
Kind regards

Alan  Munro
Alan Munro

Overall rating : 5 / 5

Date of walk : 18/05/22
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★★ Very good
Route interest : ★★★★★ Very good

Parking in Woodstock was a bit difficult. At 10.00 am, there were some free one hour on street spaces, but all the free three hour spaces were full. We managed to find plenty of space on Brook Hill (OX20 1XH), which is not far from the green entrance gate to Blenheim Park. Please note that there is no route between points 1 and 2. They are going to dredge the lake soon and are currently building a long access road to the lake at point 1. So after entering at the green gate you will need to miss out points 1 and 2, turn left and head up to the house, then cross the Grand Bridge and carry on the walk from point 3. Then, after point 7 when you get on to Wychwood Way, carry straight on to the Column of Victory at point 2 and then straight on to the Grand Bridge and re trace your steps back to the green entrance. There are plenty of diversion map boards around. Point 5 isn't really a junction - the road bends round to the left. Just before this bend you need to turn right through a green gate and then right on the road. There's no sign of 'a green massive portal' - just a green gate! At point 7, where it says the path bends right, look out for a stile in the right hand corner of the field. This is a good walk - very picturesque. You'll enjoy it.


Overall rating : 5 / 5

Date of walk : 24/03/22
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★★ Very good
Route interest : ★★★★★ Very good

This walk was made even more beautiful by the stunning weather we had! There were amazing views of Blenheim as you began walking through the grounds, yet the scenes were varied as the route led you through woodland, open countryside and farmland, before retuning to the vista of Blenheim.
The footpaths were clearly signed. Although there is some walking on tarmac, we were appreciative of our walking boots when walking through the muddy countryside. It is easy walking, with just a couple of styles to cross.
Highly recommended.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.