From Wayrham Through Painsthorpe

This walk includes all the typical features of the Yorkshire Wolds, an extensive limestone plateau interlaced with secluded, narrow, twisting dales. It starts by making use of three linking dales to come out onto the plateau where there are views from the scarp edge over the Vale of York and, as the plateau is crossed, views down into other dales and eventually across the Humber into Lincolnshire. The return makes use of another dale, a stretch of Roman road, and an old drove way.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 12.88 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 4h 35 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 316 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 312 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 235 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 109 m


(S/E) This walk starts at the car park and picnic site just off the A166 at grid reference SE835568 between Stanford Bridge and Fridaythorpe (3 miles to the east).

Facing the car park take the footpath on the left going up to the A166. On reaching the A166 cross diagonally right to a driveway. Do not go down the driveway but take the footpath which starts off parallel to the A166 and then swings left to enter open access Wayrham Dale via a gateway. Walk down the floor of the dale to a second gate.

(1) Go through this into woods and continue, still on the valley floor, as it swings right and then left through Bradeham Dale. Go through a third gate, ignoring a path coming in from the right, and soon afterwards come to a finger post. Here turn left on the bridleway going up Worn Dale. Towards the top the path leaves the bottom of the valley at a waymark and climbs half left up a disused cart track. It becomes a bit obscure at the top, but maintaining the line you come to a hedge and find a rather hidden gate on the right.

(2) You are now leave the grazing land of the dales and coming onto the plateau given over to arable crops. Go through the gate and immediately turn left along a field edge - hedge on left. When a crossing hedge is reached, turn left through a hedge gap and quickly join a track going forward. It soon turns right and goes past Painsthorpe Wold Farm. Just past here, extensive views open up over the Vale of York. The track comes out to a road. Turn left and in 100 meters turn right down a quiet country lane. (Do not miss the view of the delightful Painsthorpe Dale through a gap in the trees on the right.)

(3) Half a mile or so later going downhill, the lane turns right. Here go straight on down a no through road. Where the tarmac ends at a farm on the left, go straight on - slightly right - down an enclosed track. Ignore the path going right through a gate to Kirby Underdale seen over the field. Instead bear left through a hedge gap and then immediately turn right down the field - hedge on right. At the bottom go over the bridge, through the gate and turn left to the bridle gate seen ahead. Through this, turn right up the field edge - hedge on right - to a gate leading into a tree lined track. Turn left and follow this track for nearly 1 mile out to the A166 (Grid Ref SE 809 567).

(4) Cross the A166 and continue straight on down the narrow lane opposite. This goes down the dale to Bishop Wilton, but look out for steps on the left just after the road enters woodland. Go up the steps and follow the path along the top of the dale, arable fields to the left, grazing down in the dale on the right, with long views ahead over the Humber and into Lincolnshire. When you come to some woods turn left along their edge. When the woods finish go ahead over a stile and straight on to a road. Cross the road straight onto a gravel track which leads round and down into Deep Dale. Do not enter the open access land on the left until a waymark at a gateway points left down steep steps. At the bottom go through the right hand gate of a pair facing you and then bear right up the hill. Go through a strip of scrub and straight on across the field to a hedge where you turn left to follow a track to a road.

(5) Turn left along this (Roman) road. Just past a patch of woodland turn right on a footpath along an enclosed drove route. When it reaches a field follow the hedge on the right straight on and then curving left to come to the road to the East of the start car park which is reached by turning left along the road(S/E).


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 214 m - Car park
  2. 1 : km 0.75 - alt. 184 m - Go into woods
  3. 2 : km 3.43 - alt. 196 m - Come onto the plateau
  4. 3 : km 5.94 - alt. 161 m - Go straight on down
  5. 4 : km 8.07 - alt. 230 m - Cross the A166
  6. 5 : km 11.38 - alt. 232 m - Turn left
  7. E : km 12.88 - alt. 218 m

Reviews and comments

5 / 5
Based on 2 reviews

Reliability of the description
5 / 5
Clarity of route map
5 / 5
Route interest
5 / 5
Dennis Brown
Dennis Brown

Overall rating : 5 / 5

Date of walk : 04/05/21
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★★ Very good
Route interest : ★★★★★ Very good

We have just discovered the beauty of the Yorkshire Wolds and this walk is stunningly glorious! The instructions were excellent and we experienced such variety along the way - together with the marvellous spectacle of newly born lambs just enjoying being newly born lambs!
The final hill is a bit of a challenge and really gets the heart beating!


Overall rating : 5 / 5

Date of walk : 23/08/20
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★★ Very good
Route interest : ★★★★★ Very good

Great instructions and a really lovely walk: the dales that you walk along are beautiful and the view over the vale of York is spectacular!

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