From Carlton Bank: Four hills and a dale

A nice 11 mile walk starting and finishing at the Lord Stones Cafe at the top of Carlton Bank, where there is good parking. It takes in the three North facing hills and the climb to Round Hill. The route returns down past Bilsdale Hall to Seave Green. From here it passes through rolling pastures to a short section on Raisdale Road before taking a lovely path through woods and over the moors back to the start.

In total it is 11.66 miles and covers 2262ft of ascent and descent.

Technical sheet

Last update:
Last review:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 18.55 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 7h 05 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 636 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 636 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 450 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 168 m


Parking is to be found at Lord Stones Cafe or on the road leading to it.

From Lord Stone Cafe:

(S) Take the Cleveland Way (signposted) and walk with a wall on your left up Cringle Moor to a viewing Point (1) . Good views North to Teesside.

Continue on the Cleveland Way Eastwards over the Northern end of Cold Moor (2) (second hill) and then down and back up and over the Wainstones (3) (third hill) to Hasty Bank (4). Always enjoying the good views North. Descend Hasty Bank to the road.

Cross the road and still following the Cleveland Way walk up past and through old Earthworks (5) on a good track which leads along Carr Ridge to Round Hill (6). Triangulation Point and good views over to Ingleby Incline.

Return to the track and head back but turn off on the wide track on the left heading WSW over the moor and past some shooting butts to where the track turns left at 90 degrees (7). At this point take the path straight on and down the hill through bracken to a finger post (signpost). Right and Left will take you parallel to the old Earthworks, go straight on and down through a gate in a wall and past a barn to at track which leads to Bilsdale Hall (8). From Bilsdale Hall follow the road down through Seave Green to the main road.

Go straight over the road (it can be busy, take care) and through a gate onto a track which goes through woods. As it emerges head straight on for a dilapidated barn with a tin roof (9). Keep left of the barn and negotiate a small boggy section to a stile over the fence in the corner. Continue over the next field always with the fence line on your right to a marker. Head for the half round barn made from corrugated metal and take the gate on its right. This leads onto the green lane (10) running from Chop Gate up to Cold Moor. (This lane is a short cut back if you want to cut the walk short)

Go over the green lane and through the gate (yellow marker) and follow this on with the fence on your left. It leads over the field and into the next field. Go directly through the pasture heading down to a stream and a gate (11). Head diagonally up the next field to an obvious gate. There is another yellow marker up and right at the entrance to the farm track. This points you along the next field with the fence on the right and takes you to a stile which leads past the farm entrance to Raisdale Road (12). (You can walk all the way back to the start along Raisdale Road if you wish)

Follow Raisdale Road past Westcote Farm (an alternative takes a footpath through the farm and to Raisdale Mill) and continue along the road to where it dips and starts to climb again. On the left, as it starts to climb, take the lane to Raisdale Mill (13). It looks like you are walking into someones property but the permissive path is way marked through here so keep going past the buildings and through a gate into a field with a stream running on your left. Keep going through the field and through a gate into woodland. You will shortly come to a forest track, (14) turn left and follow this good track through the woods.

At the point where the track splits, take the left hand fork over a small stream and head uphill, the track soon bends sharply to the left (15), at this point follow a path on the right down to a gate leading into a field. Cross the field heading uphill diagonally: you are heading for the wall at the top which marks the tree line and there is a metal gate at the end. Go through the metal gate and another on the right which leads to moorland and some ruined buildings (16).

You have now left maintained and pastured farmland for upland farmland and moors,Continue along the track, passing through gates (make sure you close then properly as there are many sheep in these fields) and heading towards the farm (Staindale) (17). The track passes to the right of the farm house and goes through the farm yard (dogs may bark at you), keep on along the track and into a field then trough a gate into another field.

Here the path takes a gate on the left (18) and heads down (with the fence on your right) to trees and a small brook, It then heads up again (post with yellow arrow) and over the next field with the fence on your left to a gate in the corner. Go directly over the next field to pick up an old fence line and a track which leads down.

You go straight along this track and to Twaites Houses (19), the track now becomes almost a road and leads onward to Raisdale Road. At the junction turn left and you will see the signpost and entrance to Lord Stones Cafe.

Treat yourself to well deserved pot of tea, cold drink or beer.


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 297 m - Depart
  2. 1 : km 1.26 - alt. 386 m - View Point
  3. 2 : km 3.14 - alt. 380 m - Cold Moor
  4. 3 : km 3.9 - alt. 351 m - Wainstones
  5. 4 : km 4.75 - alt. 376 m - Hasty Bank
  6. 5 : km 6.26 - alt. 373 m - Earthworks
  7. 6 : km 8.56 - alt. 450 m - Round Hill
  8. 7 : km 10.62 - alt. 371 m - Fork in Path
  9. 8 : km 11.88 - alt. 207 m - Bilsdale Hall
  10. 9 : km 12.65 - alt. 193 m - Barn
  11. 10 : km 12.86 - alt. 206 m - Green Lane
  12. 11 : km 13.29 - alt. 177 m - Gate and Stream
  13. 12 : km 13.68 - alt. 191 m - Raisdale Road
  14. 13 : km 15.04 - alt. 193 m - Junc to Raisdale Mill
  15. 14 : km 15.53 - alt. 214 m - Logging Track
  16. 15 : km 16 - alt. 231 m - Junc off track to path
  17. 16 : km 16.23 - alt. 260 m - Gates and ruined buildings
  18. 17 : km 16.85 - alt. 265 m - Staindale Farm
  19. 18 : km 17.18 - alt. 262 m - Gate on left
  20. 19 : km 17.81 - alt. 279 m - Thwaites Houses
  21. S/E : km 18.55 - alt. 297 m - Arrive

Practical information

This walk involves four main hills and the way back is gradually ascending.

Dress accordingly for the weather, we did this on a hot day in mid June with no wind. We ate our butties at Round Hill and finished our water there. We were pretty thirsty when we got back to the cafe.

At Seave Green, if you are in need of replenishing your supplies and don't want to knock on a stranger's door there is a pub in Chop Gate and little further along the road. You can then walk back and take the green road up the the junction with the path which crosses it in the description.

Only one boggy section but again we did this after a month of dry weather. Make sure you are wearing boots.

Always stay careful and alert while following a route. Visorando and the author of this walk cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident during this route.

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