(S/E)The start is in Yorkshire Bridge with ample parking on the A6013 about a mile north of Bamford near the Ladybower Dam (Grid ref. SK201854). Descend to and cross the Yorkshire Bridge. Go right through a gate to join a road to Ladybower Dam. After a short way you will see some steps on the left. These lead up to a dismantled railway. Go straight across to join a thin path which leads to Win Hill Plantation.
(1)This is the hard bit with some particularly steep and muddy parts on a relatively thin path but once you reach a stile and signpost the main ascent is over. A sign points to Win Hill so go straight ahead slowly ascending to another stile. Go over the stile and make the final, short scramble to the Trig Point on the summit.
(2)The views are stunning from its 462 metre summit. The rocks on the top make a perfect place for your well deserved lunch! Scramble down off the summit and join a path heading roughly west which follows a ridge for just over a mile to a wall where the path splits. Continue by the wall, which is adjacent to the pine woods, to arrive at a fork. Go left to pass through a gate. Hope Cross is only a short distance away.
(3)The views from this ancient markerpost are good, especially down the Vale of Edale. From here walk up to the signpost prominent from Hope Cross (Grid ref. 161874). Then go right to bend down to the shores of Ladybower Reservoir. From here turn right and follow the track keeping the reservoir on your left. This leads you all the way back to Yorkshire Bridge past Ladybower Dam.