Wellesbourne Church Circular Cycle

This route around Wellesbourne area is mostly on minor roads, some gravel tracks, and steep hills. However, you will get good Views.

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Touring/Gravel
    Activity: Touring/Gravel
  • ↔
    Distance: 41.01 km
  • ◔
    Author’s time: 5 hrs 
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    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 278 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 273 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 126 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 42 m


Start: Wellesbourne Church, Church Street. Postcode CV35 9LS

(S/E) Go through the churchyard, take the path to the left (South-West) on to bridge over the stream, and turn left (South-East). Continue to the end of the road by Stags Head .

(1) Cross the road into Chapel Street and turn right into Lowes Lane. At the T junction with Walton Road, turn left.

(2) Go along Walton Road past all the houses in Walton itself and turn into the lane on your left over the bridge to Walton Hall. At the end of the buildings turn right (South-East) through a gate onto a gravel path. Continue to where the track turns right and go straight on through a gate.

(3) Cross the field (South-East) aiming for a house in the distance, not along the hedge on your left. Follow a woodland track and field edges to an uphill tarmac lane to the B4455 (Fosse Way).

(4) Turn left on B4455 for a few metres and then right (South-East) to Combrook with distant views to your right. Follow this road through (right and uphill at the Church) and out of Combrook village.

(5) Continue past the woods until you spot Red House where you go right (South) onto the drive then keep to right of fence to enter the bridleway. This bridleway leads to a tree on a high point in the middle of a field with 360° views.

(6) Just after here, take the left hand branch downhill to go through the hedge by a yellow post, straight on to cross a cattle grid marked Mill Farm, past a wooden shed on your right to a stream and gate.

(7) Go into the field uphill with the hedge on your right, but after a tree stump turn left (East) towards a metal gate at the opposite corner of the field. Cross two more fields to exit through the hedge onto the road. At the road go right (South-West) through Butlers Marston - Pillerton Hersey - Pillerton Priors until you reach a T junction with A422.

(8) Turn right on A422 then left and take the left fork to Fulready. Turn right (West) at the crossroads and continue to a T junction where you turn right then straight away left and continue to a T junction with B4455 (Fosse Way).

(9) Turn right (North-East) uphill on B4455 for 1/2 mile to the crossroads where you turn left on A442 into Ettington, Pub/Shops. Turn left into Rogers Lane and continue to the end, turn left (South-West) and go downhill on the disused road which leads to the A429.

(10) Cross A429 road into the layby and take the back road (West) towards Newbold and pass Ettington Park Hotel.

(11) Cross the A3400, pass Sea Scouts and Talton Mill, turn right for Crimscote and by the houses turn right for Wimpstone.

(12)You will see a church on your right at Whitchurch that is worth a visit then carry on straight to Wimpstone. At Wimpstone follow the road right (Wimpstone Lane) over a bridge to A3400.

(13) Go right (South-East) down the main road to Alderminster and opposite the church, turn left (North-East) signed Village Hall/Loxley, uphill on New Road.

(14) At the A442 (Banbury Road), go left (North-West) then right on Blue Lane towards Loxley. At the top of the hill you get a viewpoint.

(15) Go Through Loxley village following Wellesbourne Road and at a steep downhill junction turn right for Wellesbourne along Loxley Road.

(16) At the next Y junction, you have the option to go left past the airfield to Charlecote and turn right by the Charlecote Pheasant to return to the start, or to go straight on (North-East) along Loxley Road and turn right on the second Dovehouse Drive entrance near Sainsburys, then left on Valleta Way to the subway under A429 back to the village.

(17) From the subway exit go straight on and pass the Stags Head into Bridge Street and pass the shops, turn left after the Surgery and return on Church Street to the starting point. (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 50 m - Wellesbourne Church
  2. 1 : km 0.64 - alt. 48 m - Bridge Street
  3. 2 : km 3.88 - alt. 59 m - Walton Hall Entrance
  4. 3 : km 4.82 - alt. 62 m - Gate past Walton Hall
  5. 4 : km 5.91 - alt. 107 m - B4455 (Fosse Way)
  6. 5 : km 8.28 - alt. 117 m - Red House
  7. 6 : km 9 - alt. 113 m - Tree at Summit
  8. 7 : km 9.95 - alt. 74 m - Stream and gate
  9. 8 : km 15.07 - alt. 113 m - A422
  10. 9 : km 19.1 - alt. 101 m - B4455 (Fosse Way)
  11. 10 : km 21.64 - alt. 82 m - A429
  12. 11 : km 24.13 - alt. 52 m - A3400
  13. 12 : km 26.67 - alt. 51 m - Church
  14. 13 : km 29.81 - alt. 55 m - A3400
  15. 14 : km 34.11 - alt. 106 m - A442 (Banbury Road)
  16. 15 : km 37.2 - alt. 72 m - Loxley
  17. 16 : km 38.11 - alt. 55 m - Charlecote option
  18. 17 : km 39.95 - alt. 51 m - Subway under A429
  19. S/E : km 41.01 - alt. 50 m - Wellesbourne Church

Practical information

Start: Wellesbourne Church, Church Street. Postcode CV35 9LS

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.