Start : Twyford Railway Station (RG10 9NA) Grid ref. SU 790 757
(S/E) Leave the station from platform 4 and turn right along the walkway to reach the main road.
(1) Turn right over the bridge, crossing the road when it is safe to do so. Soon after passing the seat turn into Stanlake Meadow Recreation Ground and turn right along the boundary. Veer slightly left towards the pavilion to leave the Recreation ground through the gate. Turn left on the walkway then fork right through trees to a roundabout.
(2) Cross the road into Broad Hinton. Follow this residential road round to the left then turn right into Very Close.
(3) At the end go into the open area keeping to the left of the children's playground. Bear left around a small copse passing some fine mature oak trees on descending path. Cross broad Hinton.
(4) Where the main path bends to the right bear left on a less distinct path which leads to steps up to the road (B3018). Turn right across the bridge (A).
(5) Before the entrance turn right over stile on public footpath. Keep to the edge of the field, passing under a huge old oak tree. 'Cinderella' ponies are often grazing in these fields. These small, white Shetland ponies are in great demand in the pantomime season.
(6) Cross a stile and a bridge at the end of the second field. Keep beside the water course with a wood on the left. Leave the wood, cross the watercourse and keep ahead through the field to cross-track. Turn right.
At the footpath sign there is the option of crossing the bridge and taking a parallel footpath on the other side of the hedge which re-joins the track further on.
(7) At the main road (A321), cross carefully to the bridleway opposite. Where the muddy footpath goes straight ahead, it is possible to make a detour on the bridle-way. On reaching lane, turn right and soon cross the River Loddon.
There is a bridle-way, first on the right then on the left as an alternative to the lane which leads to the Land's End ford, now closed because too many cars got stuck or washed away after periods of heavy rain.
(8) Turn right on the footpath before reaching the ford soon with the lake on the left. Continue under the railway bridge.
(9) The footpath turns right towards Twyford, but to explore the Nature Reserve, turn left on the permitted footpath, first alongside the railway then with the old River Loddon on the left. Wildlife walks give doser access to the lake. Continue between the river and the lake to the access point and information board. The Wagon and Horses pub is on the left.
(10) Keep ahead to the boardwalk, then turn left and left again on the public footpath. Cross the mill pool, the mill stream and Weaver's Way to reach the main road (A3032). Turn right. To get away from the traffic, turn right down Polehampton Close.
(11) At the end bear left then left again on the walkway to emerge on the main road. Turn right and right again into Station Rd. Otherwise, keep ahead to traffic lights, turn right then right again into Station Rd which leads to the station. (S/E)