Two Ridges Way from Leighton Buzzard to Ivinghoe Beacon

The Ridgeway is linked at Ivinghoe Beacon by the Two Ridges Link (8 miles and included on OS mapping) with the Greensand Ridge Walk that in turn also connects with the Icknield Way Path. The Link uses the Grand Union Canal North from near Slapton. This route shows the link from North to South.

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 12.95 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 4h 05 
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    Difficulty: Easy

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    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 145 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 3 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 227 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 82 m

Description de la randonnée

Start : The route starts where Leighton Road crosses the Grand Union Canal. Nearby LU7 1LF

(S) Go down to the towpath and head South. This part of the route coincides with the Grand Union Canal Walk and runs past Tiddenfoot Waterside Park before going under the A4146.

(1) Go past the Grove Lock and marina and at the Church Lock cross over to the west side of the canal.

(2) Just past Whaddon Farm and the weir, cross over the canal again on a footbridge to head East then South-East away from the canal along a lane into Slapton.

(3) When you reach the lane, turn left (bench on the left) along Horton Road to go through the village of Slapton. Go past the Carpenter's Arms and straight across the road junction to reach a Public Footpath sign on the right, marked "Two Ridges Link". This goes across the fields, heading towards Holy Cross Church but diverting left to follow a brook North-East, crossing Whistle Brook and bearing right along a drainage ditch to cross Slapton Lane.

(4) Carry straight on along the side of the ditch past Orchard Cottages and bearing right then left to reach Southend Lane.

(5) Here, turn right (South-West) along the lane to go past Butler's Manor and past Vine Farm to reach Chapel Lane in Ivinghoe Ashton next to the football pitches.

(6) Go left along Chapel Lane, heading South-East past The Village Swan and all the brick houses to reach a footpath crossing and follow the indications for the Two Ridges Link, along the edge of the field to turn right heading towards Crabtree Cottage.

(7) At the drystone wall turn left along the wall to climb up to the road B489.

(8) Go right then left onto Becon Road, signposted Ashridge, to cross a cattlegrid.

(9) The path uphill starts immediately on the left after the cattlegrid. On the top is a stone monument to mark the place where the Ivinghoe Beacon stood. (E)


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 85 m - Leighton Buzzard
  2. 1 : km 3.06 - alt. 87 m - Grove Lock and marina
  3. 2 : km 4.99 - alt. 87 m - Whaddon Farm
  4. 3 : km 5.84 - alt. 90 m - Slapton
  5. 4 : km 7.68 - alt. 88 m - Slapton Lane
  6. 5 : km 9.39 - alt. 95 m - Southend Lane
  7. 6 : km 10.6 - alt. 92 m - Ivinghoe Ashton
  8. 7 : km 12.15 - alt. 136 m - Drystone wall
  9. 8 : km 12.65 - alt. 166 m - B489
  10. 9 : km 12.77 - alt. 174 m - Cattlegrid
  11. E : km 12.95 - alt. 227 m - Ivinghoe Beacon

Practical information

Start : The route starts where Leighton Road crosses the Grand Union Canal. Nearby LU7 1LF

Public transport : The railway station is only 7mins walk away and local buses stop close. Trains from Milton Keyes and London stop at Leighton Buzzard but it's best to spend some time in the market town, maybe staying the night in The Swan Hotel (Wetherspoon Group).

Facilities : This Two Ridges Way links the Greensand Ridge Walk that in turn also connects with the Icknield Way Path. The Grand Union Canal Walk also overlaps at the beginning of the walk. There are a couple of pubs along the way, so no need to carry too much food and drink.

In the nearby area

The canal walk is a gentle stroll so you'll have plenty of time to watch the barges and the wildlife that populate the waterways. The villages and especially the pubs are an interesting part of the social and economic landscape so don't rush past. Say hello to the people you pass and be ready to help others. If the weather is kind you'll have some spectacular views from the top of Ivinghoe Beacon, so soak it up before moving on.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.