(S/E) Walk through the chestnuts (around the football pitches if the children are playing)
Cross Macrae Road into the cricket field and follow the footpath around the edge.
(1) When you come out on Cabots way you can either turn left and follow the footpath that goes around the back of St Katherine’s school, using the right fork reaching Pill Road. Or turn right onto the main road and join the footpath when it comes out just before the entrance of the school.
(2) Walk in front of the school and find the footpath on the left that runs along the opposite side of the field between two hedges. This path will end with a kissing gate that opens up onto a field. Follow this pathway straight ahead until it emerges onto Blackmoor road. On your right, you will find Pill Road that you will cross carefully. Head up a gravelled track to find the footpath that comes off on the corner and head in front of the Haberfield Park farm (this can be very muddy). Head downhill again until you get to the footbridge across Markham Brook. Follow the path up the other side to emerge onto Happerton lane then turn left.
(3) Keep straight and when you get to Happerton farm head on to find the footpath on the right between the two barns. Follow this footpath up and over the field then down through the wood dropping steeply down onto the road (Happerton Lane) just before the A369. Walk onto the main road and turn left, then cross (Martcombe Road) opposite the footpath on the other side. Head across the field with Markham farm on your left. Take the right fork in the path (this is straight on really).
(4) Emerge onto a bridleway take a left and right to remain on the footpath around Brookside playing field
Follow the footpath around the playing field to emerge onto Brookside (Crockerne Drive). Follow the footpath straight ahead to follow the stream behind the houses. You will emerge onto Westward drive. Follow the path on the opposite side of the road to emerge on Water lane.
(5) Cross Heywood Road at the Kings Head pub and follow Pill Street then Bank Place to the arches. Alternatively, follow the path through the houses and emerge at the zebra crossing and head across the precinct to the arches. Walk through the right-hand arch onto Watchhouse Road. (You could now follow the path on your right up to your starting point.)
(6) Walk in front of the houses with the creek on your left at the end take a cobbled path up past some houses into the right bottom corner of Watchhouse hill. Follow the path up around the orchard, either side will bring you to the same place, then head along the side of the house to the road. You should arrive back at your starting point. (S/E)