Pershore, Abbey and Pershore Bridges from Pershore Station

A walk past meadows to Pershore Abbey, then leading to a riverside walk along the Avon.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 10.08 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 2h 55 
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    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
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    Vertical gain: + 19 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 19 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 32 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 13 m


(S/E) Come out of Pershore Station, walk right on Station Approachtpward A4104. When your reach A4104, turn left then walk down Station Road until you come to Mill Lane.

(1) At the junction, turn left into Mill Lane and walk along the lane to the end.

(2) Turn right onto Meadow Walk, and walk along it.

(3) At the end of Meadow Walk, turn left before the houses where it becomes Cherry Orchard. Then turn right onto a footpath and walk along the Avon Meadow Wetlands and ponds till you reach the end. You will be facing Pershore Town Football Club.

(4) Turn left to the main road King George's Way and then first right just before the Asda Supermarket and walk through the car park to reach the High Street of Pershore. Turn left on High Street then go straight across the High Street and when you reach the junction with Church Street, turn right onto it to walk towards the grounds of Pershore Abbey.

(5) After exploring Pershore Abbey, turn right along Church Walk and left again into Broad Street.

(6) At the end of Board Street, you will be back on the High Street turn right here. The street will become Bridge Street (B4084), walk down to the 2 Pershore Bridges. Take a moment to view the old medieval bridge on the left.

(7) Turn right off the road before the modern bridge onto the riverside walk. Do not cross over the bridge.

(8) Walk alongside the River Avon until you encounter a right turn back to the main road A4104 (Defford Road).

(9) At the main road you have the option to turn left to make a circuit of Tiddesley Wood, or turn right to return to Pershore and back to the station.

Walk back on the track beside the A4104 past Pershore Cemetery back towards Pershore. Along the way, Defford Road becomes Three Springs Road. Walk along it till you reach a T junction with a garage on your right. Take the right turn at the roundabout until you reach another T junction.

(10) When you reach the T junction with B4084, turn right onto Worcester Road.

(11) At the next junction with Station Road, turn left and continue on this all the way back to Pershore Station. (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 32 m - Pershore Station
  2. 1 : km 1.08 - alt. 28 m - Mill Lane
  3. 2 : km 1.38 - alt. 22 m - Meadow Walk
  4. 3 : km 1.79 - alt. 22 m - Avon Meadow Wetlands and ponds
  5. 4 : km 2.36 - alt. 20 m - Asda Supermarket
  6. 5 : km 2.82 - alt. 22 m - Pershore Abbey
  7. 6 : km 3.29 - alt. 21 m - 2 Pershore Bridges - Old medieval bridge
  8. 7 : km 3.95 - alt. 15 m - Riverside
  9. 8 : km 6.05 - alt. 15 m - River Avon
  10. 9 : km 6.13 - alt. 21 m - Tiddesley Wood - Pershore Cemetery
  11. 10 : km 7.97 - alt. 32 m - Worcester Road
  12. 11 : km 8.18 - alt. 26 m - Station Road
  13. S/E : km 10.08 - alt. 32 m - Pershore Station

Practical information

Sections of this walk are by necessity along some busy roads, so please take special care along these and when making any crossings. Terrain - mostly flat, with field edge / riverside walking. The riverside sections may become muddy after periods of flooding. The optional gradual climb into Tiddesley Wood is on well-made forest tracks.

Tiddesley Wood Option
Turn left and walk for 100 metres alongside the road and then cross the road to join some well-made forest tracks
Then turn right onto a track which leads into Tiddesley Wood, initially passing through dark coniferous woodland, which is slowly being replaced by native, broadleaved species.
Here you can climb through Tiddesley Wood and make a circular walk with fine views from the top, before returning back down to the A4104 and joining the return route back into Pershore.

In the nearby area

Pershore town was built up around the great Abbey and there are still a number of timber framed buildings from medieval Pershore. In the 18th century the town was a flourishing staging post, market trading centre and crossing point of the River Avon. It is believed the original name Persche Ora derived from west Saxon and Jutish dialects, meaning osier (willow) slope. It also has many fine Georgian houses.

Pershore Medieval Bridge
Parts of the existing stone bridge date back to 1413 after the wooden bridge became unsafe. The monks of Pershore Abbey built this bridge about their abbot drowned attempting to cross the ford. Since then stones from nearby Elmley Castle and even Pershore Abbey itself, have been used to make repairs.
During the English Civil war a fierce battle was fought on the old bridge. In World War II the area was fortified to repel a possible German invasion. As a last resort, the Home Defence were prepared to demolish the bridges with explosives.

The water and banks of the River Avon are home to a large range of plants, animals and birds, insects and fish. You may see swans and mallards, Sedge Warblers, Kingfishers and dragonflies and damselflies in summer.

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