(S/E) Start outside New Southgate Surgery and walk up the slight hill to the roundabout.
(1) Follow the footpath onto Bar Lane, but cross the road to walk on the left side footpath. Look out for a footpath leading up to the left between the new houses.
(2) Continue on the path with the houses on your right. Bear left at the first fork and right at the second fork. Continue along the path and turn left into Newton Avenue and walk through the cycle barrier. Bear right and keep on the grass path with houses on your left past the back of Fieldhead Newton Hill J&I School and Hospital Playing Fields the allotments. Continue on allotment side of the raised mound area and keep on the path with houses on your left to emerge onto Ouchthorpe Lane at the Gas Valve Compound.
(3) Turn right and walk up Ouchthorpe Lane (steep hill) on the roadside pavement. At the top of the hill, turn right before the houses onto a field side footpath. Follow the path to the top of the hill keeping the fence on your left. Turn right down the field side path keeping hedges on your left onto Newton Avenue. Walk along Newton Avenue to Leeds Road.
(4) Turn left and walk along Leeds Road back to the New Southgate Surgery.(S/E)