Start: Rickmansworth Station, Station Approach, Rickmansworth (WD3 1QY). Grid ref: TQ 057 946. It’s also possible to start the walk at The Green between Waypoints (13) and (15).
(S/E) From the station entrance turn right down the hill, right again under the railway bridge and down to the High Street (A) (B). Turn left and then right past the bollards into Bury Lane.
Walk straight along to the left-hand bend and the entrance gates to The Bury. Go through the gates and follow the driveway to The Bury and bear left on a smaller path to enter the church grounds.
Follow the path as it bears right, turn left through the wall, left again past the church, then right along the path through the churchyard. Just past the bollards cross the road, turn right along the pavement past the roundabout and the Premier Inn.
(1) Just before the pedestrian crossing, take the steps on the left down to the canal and Batchworth Lock Canal Centre. Walk up the slope and over the bridge. Proceed along the canal bank (C) for a kilometre and take the steps on the left just before the first bridge over the canal. At the top turn right on The Ebury Way (D). Cross the bridge, follow the track under a railway bridge and continue until reaching a wide asphalt track coming in from the right opposite a metal gate.
(2) Turn left (North) and enter Croxley Common Moor (E). Take the surfaced, winding path across the Moor and go through a gate on the other side. Cross the bridges for both the River Gade and the Grand Union Canal.
(3) Go straight ahead into a wood. Fork left, then right, then left up a set of steps. Continue straight ahead through an open area, past an information board and on along a narrower path for 600m to a path on the right.
(4) Fork right at a major path junction and bear left at the next fork. Turn left on a wide gravel track, soon crossing a railway bridge, and continue uphill for a further 230m to a surfaced track on the right, Public Bridleway 11 (F).
(5) Staying on Public Bridleway 11, turn right up the surfaced track through the wood. Go past a school and some houses to reach a road (Watford Road A412).
(6) Cross straight over and walk along the road to the right of the church. At the junction cross to the other side of the road and turn right along the wide verge (G), passing the war memorial and both the Artichoke and Coach and Horses. Cross Copthorne Road and a surfaced drive, and bear left towards a fingerpost just beyond two benches.
(7) Turn left at the fingerpost on a wide path and follow the signs to the River Chess. Drop down a set of steps and up to a path junction. Fork right, walk along the left-hand field edge, up the slope and turn left. Follow the path down to a path junction at the bottom of the hill.
(8) Turn right (North-West) along the path for 150m, then turn left and cross the bridge over the River Chess (H). Turn left along the river bank for 400m to the entrance to a playing field.
(9) Bear right just before the barrier and follow this path for 650m. Where the chain link fence on the right ends, turn right uphill to a road.
(10) When the chain link fence on the right bears right follow it up a road past the entrance to Rickmansworth Park School and continue to climb up the surfaced path in the park. After 170m and turn left across the grass towards the buildings. Cross the road bridge and turn immediately right down the steps. Turn left past the entrances to Waitrose and the station car park, walk down the hill and up the other side to finish at Rickmansworth Station. (S/E)
"We hope you have enjoyed your walk. Please remember to rate the walk and add comments. We are interested in how we could improve the instructions or the route and would like to hear about any issues with paths on the walk."