Loudoun Hill Circular

At just 361m elevation, the volcanic plug of Loudoun Hill near Darvel, is where Robert the Bruce had his first major military victory. Despite being small, it’s steep slopes certainly pack a punch and on a clear day the views from the top make it a must-do in the area. A favourite with children and adults alike!

Technical sheet

Last update:
Last review:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 3.10 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 1h 10 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Difficult

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 102 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 104 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 293 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 198 m


Description de la randonnée

(S/E) Exit Loudoun Hill car park via a wooden gate, signposted Spirit of Scotland.

Follow the path downhill past the Spirit of Scotland Monument. From the monument follow the path which goes downhill to a stile and a footbridge over the River Irvine.

Cross the stile and bridge then continue along the path as it leads you uphill and onto a flat area.

(1) Cross over a farm track and follow the remains of a dry stone wall as it heads uphill (North West) and around the base of Loudoun Hill.

It will lead you into some trees, then past a stone ruin.

(2) After passing the ruin, choose a point at which to start your climb to the top of the hill. There are no distinct paths unfortunately!

From the summit head West across the flat top, to pick up a steep path down the other side of Loudoun Hill, leading to a stone boundary wall.

(3) Follow the wall right (North East) along the base of the hill a short distance, looking out for a stile on your left-hand side which will allow you to safely cross the wall.

Cross the field North (if in crop stick to the field edge) towards a second stile on the fence opposite.

Follow the fence-line North to a third stile, emerging onto a minor road. Turn left (West) and follow the road downhill for 500m.

(4) At this point you will come to a gate on your left with a track heading South East across the field.

Follow this track as it heads around the base of Loudoun Hill and meets up with the flat grassy area you were at earlier, close to point (1)

Turn right to rejoin the path back to the Spirit of Scotland Monument and retrace your steps back to the Loudoun Hill car park (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 217 m - Loudoun Hill car park, just off A71
  2. 1 : km 0.47 - alt. 234 m - Remains of dry stone wall - begin ascent
  3. 2 : km 0.67 - alt. 281 m - Stone ruin
  4. 3 : km 1.15 - alt. 262 m - Stile over boundary wall
  5. 4 : km 1.94 - alt. 221 m - Gate into field
  6. S/E : km 3.1 - alt. 217 m - Loudoun Hill car park, just off A71

Practical information

Visit Gillian's Walks for more information and a walk review, plus shorter route options for Loudoun Hill.

There is no public transport to the walk start point. The car park is signposted off A71 "Spirit of Scotland / Loudoun Hill"

There are no distinct paths on Loudoun Hill and it can be very muddy. It is also extremely steep, with crags on the south side. Several stiles.

Sheep are often present on the land around the base of the hill.

For a longer route option try the walk along the disused railway line from Darvel.

In the nearby area

  • Loudoun Hill - the highest point in the area at 361m. It is a volcanic plug and it's craggy south face is often used by rock climbers.
  • Battle of Loudoun Hill - It is reputed that in 1307 Robert the Bruce led an army against the English in a battle which took place beneath Loudoun Hill. This was Bruce's his first major military victory.
  • Spirit of Scotland monument - a 5m tall person-shaped sculpture at the foot of Loudoun Hill which bears words referring to William Wallace
  • Valley Walkfest is a walking festival in the Irvine Valley which takes place annually at the start of May

Other walks in the area

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.