(S/E) Start from the small parking area off Ardochrig Road next to the windfarm substation (Google Map pin).
Go through the gate at the end of the parking area and onto the Spine Road.
(1) After passing the power station turn right (West) at the fork, onto the track signposted for Cleughearn Forest. Along this track keep a look out for a small pond where dragonflies can sometimes be spotted!
(2) After 800m turn right (North) onto a narrower track where on a clear day there will be a nice view down towards East Kilbride.
(3) Ignore a path on the right 480m along, continue ahead to reach a clearing in the trees. Here the pleasant track crosses a stream then heads back into the forest.
(4) Continue along this mossy and sometimes muddy footpath until you emerge out onto open moorland with a view across to several wind turbines. Turn left here (South East).
(5) 200m along turn right (South) onto a narrow grassy track which heads across the moorland.
After passing some ponds you will emerge onto Cleughearn Road, a wide gravel windfarm track. Turn left (North East) and follow this road all the way back to the Spine Road.
Turn left (North East) to return to the parking area off Ardochrig Road (S/E)