Start : Small car park (Black hill car park). Grif ref. SO 288 328
(S/E) From the car park head over the stile on the left hand side by the information points. Head up the path going directly up the steep incline (The Cat's Back) (North-West). Keep following the ridgeline where you will come to the trig point for Black Hill.
(1) From here head along the tops without turn off. (2.8 Km)
(2) You are now crossing the border of England and Wales. Keep following the path along the top, avoiding the routes for Offa's Dyke and head North-West along the path to the trig point at Hay Bluff/Penybegwn.
(3) At this trig point head South-West slightly, again following the path along the top, you will start to descend towards the road - Gospel Pass, the highest road in Wales.
(4) Cross over the road directly and follow the path up the hill. It forks slightly as you climb but as it forks keep right, staying closer to the edge bearing West.
(5) You will arrive at a cairn marking the top point of Lord Hereford's Knob / Twmpa, the highest point on this route. From here there are a number of paths, but you need to make a sharp turn, heading South-East, staying along the top of the mountain ridge, following the Cambrian way.
(6) Traveling straight South-East along the ridge you will come to a steep descent, follow the path down. There is a small switch back along the way, heading slightly North-East, before descending South.
(7) At the bottom you meet up with some other paths, but head West for a short distance.
(8) Take a sharp turn heading South-East again, following signs for the Cambrian way, heading towards the small village and road and carry on South.
(9) Head along the road until you get near a phone box, hear there should be a small chapel with a track round, heading North-East, follow this track as it winds rounds heading South-East, passing a few farm buildings.
(10) After a small farm and before a bigger farm, the path heads North, follow this to the base of the hill and start the climb up. The path follows through a section of ferns as it climbs ups, with a few switch backs. The path should be obvious through the fern section.
(11) The path starts to bear North-East, and passes over Offa's dyke path, which is clearly marked. Here you pass back over the border into England. Keep following the route to the North-East and you will start to descend down again.
(12) The path forks as switches back. Stay following the route to the South-East, down through more ferns and passing a small wooded section.
(13) Keep on the South-East path and you will come to a small road, follow the road East, and head North at the next junction. You will only need to go a few metres before heading East onto a public footpath following a line of tress by a small beck.
(14) Once you meet the road again, head North.
(15) After a short walk along the road, you will come to a junction, take a right and follow the track to the car park. (S/E)