(S) From the bus stop, walk in a northerly direction along Salter's Lane.
(1) Continue walking past the entrance to the Karting Centre and take the path to your left (west) at the end of the trees. Follow this path around the karting tracks.
(2) At the end of the karting tracks you will come to a junction of paths, keep walking straight ahead and through Warden Law North Farm. Refer to the ordance survey maps as these paths are not marked on the OpenStreet Maps. You should be heading downhill along a field boundary in a westerly direction, this will bend to the right slightly.
Alternative route: If you are not confident about navigating across open fields with poorly defined paths, turn right here and take the clearly defined footpath to the road, turn right and walk along the road watching for traffic as there is no footpath until you reach Stony Gate Junction (5).
(3) You will need to look for the path to your right along another field boundary, when you find it, turn right and walk uphill (north). You will pass through a hedgerow, and then turn right (west) to meet a more well definded track.
(4) When you reach the Field House Sand Hole Workings track turn right and head north towards High Haining Farm. When you reach the farm, bear left around the buildings and pick up the track leading to Middle Haining Farm, the path goes to the right of this farm and will emerge onto the road, turn right and walk to Stony Gate junction.
(5) Cross the A690 carefully into High Lane.
(6) Cross the stile to your right and follow the path along the field boundary at the bottom bear left to walk around the trees. The path you are on will continue straight ahead and then enter the trees skirting around disused quarries and the bottom of Herrington Hill to emerge on the B1286 (St Aidan's Terrace). Cross the road.
(7) Turn right and then left by the bus shelter. Go straight ahead over the mini roundabout and then bear left into McLaren Way. Continue down this lane towards Office Row. When you reach the entrance to the Country Park, turn right and follow the path around the right-hand side of Office Row.
(8) When you reach the Sun Seat, turn left and walk around the Model Boating Lake turning left at the Rain Seat walking around the end of the lake passing the Lion Seat and Amphitheatre on your left. Continue on this path towards the visitor centre and car park, the end of the walk (E).