(S/E) Start from the left of the bridge, your back towards the Mathematical wooden bridge on Cambridge Silver Street, near Queen's College. Turn right (South-east) down the little street (Laundress lane) with the Anchor Pub on your left-hand side and the River Cam on your right-hand side.
(1) When you reach a bridge, turn right (South-West) and go over the bridge, then keep South along the Cam with the water on your left-hand side.
(2) 200m later, keep right (South-West) and cross a little bridge then go left (South) keeping the canal on your right-hand side until you reach another bridge on your right-hand side which you cross over the canal. Then reach Lammas Land car park.
(3) At the car park, you have two options: one South-East, which can be very muddy, or another South West (at the right end of the car park) where you can walk on the boardwalk. They will both reach the same point.
If you go South-West (to the right-hand corner of the car park), take the path going south into Paradise Nature Reserve. Always keep your right-hand side path until you reach Owlstone Croft road. Keep straight at the junction, the road curves right, then to the next junction with Granchester Street, turn left (West) and follow the Grantchester Meadows road. Keep walking onto Grantchester Meadows road up to the end. At the end of the road, follow on the path straight ahead (South-West) with a sports ground on your right handside. You are now on the Grantchester Meadows cycleway.
(4) When you reach a junction of paths, turn left to walk along the banks of the Cam (unless it's too muddy, and in that case keep straight). Reach the Orchard Tea Garden. At the end of the car park, turn left on the road
(5) The Old Vicarage: Take the path straight on between two walls and enjoy the view of the garden (bench) before rejoining the Grantchester road to your left. Take the little path on the right, just after Brasley Bridge. Keep right to walk along the Cam.
(6) Weir: Continue to the end of the forest. Turn left and take the path back through Trumpington Meadows, until you reach the road and Brasley Bridge. From now on you can retrace your steps. You can also visit the pretty village of Grantchester and its pubs. (S/E)