(S/E) From the front door, turn left to Old Baths car park. Follow the path beyond the car park and, ignoring a track to the right, continue alongside the estuary. Ignore a footpath across the golf course on your right, keeping to the path along the saltmarsh edge.
(1) When you meet Cottage Lane, go down the steps and follow the road uphill, away from the estuary. Cross the Wirral Way and keep on up past Lillyfield and Long Meadow on your left, and Heswall Golf Course on your right.
(2) Turn right at a T-junction, then immediately right again into the cobbled Gayton Farm Road. Bear right and left on the main track through the houses, then descend past an old well on the left. Keep left of a gate into the golf course, along a farm track. When this track bears right onto the golf course, take a narrow footpath along a belt of trees on your left. This path skirts the golf course to a gate, beyond which cross a field and descend to bridge a stream beyond a second gate. Follow the path uphill beyond to meet a driveway.
(3) Walk past Backwood Hall on your right and follow the drive out to a road. Cross over and follow the unsurfaced road (Wood Lane) opposite.
(4) Keep straight on at the junction with Brook Lane, then shortly afterwards turn right onto an obvious footpath by a litter bin. Walk down to the Wirral Way. Pass under the footbridge and walk past the primary school (on your left). Follow the road until you meet The Parade.
(5) Turn right to return to the Boathouse.(S/E)