(S/E) Cross the road towards the entrance of Royal Avenue Gardens. After exploring Royal Avenue gardens, return to the entrance and, keeping on the pavement, walk to the corner of the car park. Follow the road round to the right into Mayors Avenue. Turn left into King’s Quay. Follow until the end then turn right and walk to the end of Clarence St. Return back along Clarence St. and then fork right up Clarence Hill. Turn left where the road forks uphill and go down Brown’s steps to your left.
(1) At the bottom, turn right and cross the road into the market square. After exploring, leave with the Dolphin Inn on your left to go through to Foss St. Turn right, crossing Victoria Road, into Anzac St. Continue past the church.
(2) Turn right along Higher St. then down the steps beside the Cherub Inn and turn right onto Lower St. Continue to the far end of Lower St. Return past the ferry slipway and turn right along Coles Court. Walk left along the embankment to the start.(S/E)