Darlington to Coatham Mundeville Along the Great North Road

This 2nd section starts in Darlington town centre and follows the route out of town up North Road past the historic Skerne Bridge and Stockton and Darlington Railway development at Hopetown to the village of Coatham Mundeville. Look out for evidence of the history of this railway town during the walk.

This walk is part of a multi-day hike: Along the Great North Road (County Durham)

Technical sheet

Last update:
Last review:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 6.47 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 1h 55 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: No
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 35 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 10 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 78 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 43 m


Start : The Clock Tower by the Covered Market in West Row, Darlington Town Centre. (DL1 1NU) Grid ref. NZ 288 144

(S) Face north towards Tubwell Row, the clock tower and covered market should be on your right, walk North on Prebends Row past the Cornmill Centre on your right.

(1) Continue North-Est onto Northgate, keeping right taking the subway under the busy roundabout. Take the left-hand path under the roundabout emerging on the west side of Northgate. Continue walking Northwards, note the Darlington Borough Council building to your left as you cross Gladstone Street.

Check out the Bulmer Stone to your left as you pass the building. Just after the council building you will see and entrance to North Lodge Park to your left, explore the park if you wish and then return to Northgate. Continue north crossing Cocker Beck.

(2) On reaching McNay Street/North Road Station, you can take a slight detour.

If you do, walk to your right to see the historic Skerne Bridge (the oldest railway bridge still in use), cross the road and walk between the 2 rows of houses. The bridge is located around 150m down this footpath. Return to Northgate and cross back over the road. Take a walk up to North Road Station platform and visit the Head of Steam (aka HopeTown) in the old station building. Return to Northgate.

Walk underneath the railway bridge continuing North on North Road through a mainly residential area.

(3) At the roundabout bear left continuing North along North Road. At Burtree Lane walk to the right of the Grey Horse pub.

(4) After the Harrowgate Hill Lodge, cross the road using the crossing point and continue walking Northwards through Harrowgate Village. The landscape will open out here. Continue walking through Beaumont Hill along Durham Road until you reach the Foresters Arms at Coatham Mundeville (E).


  1. S : km 0 - alt. 53 m - Darlington Clock Tower/Indoor Market on West Row
  2. 1 : km 0.36 - alt. 50 m - Subway Entrance on Northgate
  3. 2 : km 1.23 - alt. 49 m - North Road Station
  4. 3 : km 3.04 - alt. 69 m - Roundabout
  5. 4 : km 3.46 - alt. 67 m - White Horse/Harrowgate Hill Lodge
  6. E : km 6.47 - alt. 78 m - Foresters Arms, Coatham Mundeville

Practical information

Start : The Clock Tower by the Covered Market in West Row, Darlington Town Centre. (DL1 1NU) Grid ref. NZ 288 144

Transport: There are numerous car parks around the town centre including at the Cornmill Centre just next to the Clock Tower. Most buses stop in either Prebends Row outside the Cornmill Centre or Tubwell Row next to the market. Darlington also has a railway station a short walk from the town centre. Buses 5 and 7 (Arriva) stop at the Foresters' Arms and Tubwell Row next to the clock tower.

Facilities: There are public toilets at the market and plenty of cafes and takeaways in Darlington Town Centre. Refreshments can be taken at the Grey Horse and Foresters' Arms along the way. There are also many cafes and takeaways along Northgate and North Road.

Accessibility: This is an urban walk on tarmac footpaths so is fully accessible. Buses 5 and 7 run the entire length of this walk so it can be curtailed at any bus stop.

In the nearby area

In the town centre:

  • Check out Darlington Indoor Market and Clock Tower.
  • Explore the 'yards' off Skinnergate for interesting shops and cafes.
  • The Crown Street Library has a gallery of changing exhibitions.

On the walk:

  • Check out Skerne Bridge and the Hopetown Development with the Head of Steam Museum (closed until summer 2024), see link for more details.
  • Look out for the Bulmer Stone on Northgate at the council offices, and the former home of Edward Pease opposite, considered the 'father of the railways'.
  • Look more closely at the buildings along the route, some of them are very old but are hidden with modern takeaway frontages. Consider that many of the pubs along the way served the Great North Road or the railway community in Darlington.
  • Wander around North Lodge Park.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.