Start : The Duke of York, Pomeroy, Flagg, Buxton SK17 9QG (Tel. 0129883345)
(S/E) From The Duke of York, cross the A515 carefully, and take the footpath opposite, left of the entrance to Street Farm. Go through a gate and walk down the field to the High Peak Trail.
(1) Cross a stile onto the Trail and turn right under the bridge. After half a mile, at the end of the High Peak Trail, turn left.
(2) Follow the track uphill beside Dowlow Quarry to the right (ignoring all side paths) and then down to a road. Turn right and follow the lane down to a junction.
(3) Take a few steps to the right then cross and follow a footpath to the right of a farm entrance. At the bottom of the slope ignore the footpath to the right, go through a gate into Open Access land and climb straight up the steep slope to the trig point and memorial at the top of High Wheeldon. Admire the view as you regain your breath (and perhaps take a short detour to see the gated entrance of (Fox Hole Cave E), among rocks to the right of the main summit).
(4) From the summit, turn left (South-East) and descend along the ridge beside a wall. Cross a stile with a permitted path waymark and continue along the wall at the top of the field. Before the next wall, descend slightly to your right to a stile. The permitted path crosses a dip, then descends the hillside gradually, waymarked by white-topped posts.
(5) When you meet the road above Crowdecote, turn right (downhill) and walk round the bends, past a pottery into the village.
(6) Beyond the Pack Horse Inn, turn left into the drive to Bridge End Farm. Bear right below the farmhouse and through a gate and past a modern barn. Follow the track through two more gates, then continue on a field path along the valley, through a series of gates and parallel to the young River Dove on your right.
(7) After a gate before the earthworks of Pilsbury Castle, bear left and briefly uphill past an interpretation panel, and then pass below and to the left of a limestone knoll. A gate in the wall beyond leads to a grassy bridleway; cross straight over and follow the footpath uphill, past a waymark post to a stile by a gate. Continue along the slope with a wall on your left, then cross a paddock to reach a metalled lane below a barn.
(8) Ignoring the footpath opposite, turn left up the hill along the lane and past the barn. Continue along the lane as it levels off beyond a dewpond and passes wooded Pilsbury Lodge Farm on the right. Descend to a crossroads and take the road opposite, heading for a railway arch.
(9) Just before the bridge, turn left onto a crushed lime path that climbs up to the High Peak Trail. Turn left along the Trail and follow it for half a mile to the Hurdlow car park.
(10) Pass under the road bridge and continue along the Trail through a shallow limestone cutting. Cross three small bridges then, before a brick overbridge, leave the Trail over a step-stile on the right.
(1) Walk up the field back to the A515 and the Duke of York. (S/E)