Crooked Billet

Level walk with some busy roadside walking and muddy areas.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 8.11 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 2h 25 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 30 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 25 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 83 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 57 m


(S/E) With your back to pub, carefully walk to the right along Honey Hill road for 200m until it reaches a T-junction. (we would recommend that you always try to walk on the right side of the road if possible, so you can see cars coming towards you)

(1) Turn right at the junction, and very carefully follow Heathlands road for another 400m until you see a ‘pick your own’ fruit farm on the left. Turn left here and follow the lane straight ahead into the farm, passing the main farm building to your right. Then, after another 30m, follow the track as it bends to the left and then immediately to the right. Keep following this track straight ahead until the path bends off to the right at the end of the field. Don’t follow the path to the right, but go straight ahead instead (and slightly to the left) until you immediately hit a T-junction.

(2) Go left here, passing through a gate, and then walk on the public footpath through the fruit farm. Towards the end of the farm the track forks to the left and right of some trees. Take the right fork here and keep following the track ahead until the end where you’ll meet a metal gate going into the woods.

(3) Once you’re into the woods, the path immediately forks. Take the right fork here and follow the footpath, passing over a few wooden walkways as you go. After 300m you’ll reach a crossroads where you need to turn right and follow the wide track through the woodland.

(4) After about 600m, the track bends a bit to the left and then immediately after the bend you need to take the left turning onto another wide track. Follow this wide track straight ahead for about 700m as it goes slightly uphill and then downhill and then uphill again. The track then forks, with the main track bending off to the left and the right fork going into the woods. Go left here and continue following the main track for about 200m until it forks again. Go left here and follow that track ahead for 300m until it meets a crossroads.

(5) Go straight ahead at this crossroads and after 250m you will meet another T-junction. Turn left here and follow this path as it bends to the right after about 30m and then continues for another 250m until it goes through two wooden posts and onto a crossroads. Turn right at the crossroads and follow the track ahead for 200m until it meets a busy road. Cross the road carefully and then head straight ahead onto a quiet lane. Follow this lane ahead until you reach the Heathlands riding establishment gate. Go straight on here and follow the track ahead into the woods. (it can get a bit muddy around here so be careful)

(6) When the track emerges out onto a road, take a sharp right and follow the footpath alongside the busy road for 350m until you see an entrance to a nature reserve car park on your left. Carefully cross the road here and go into the car park. Walk straight ahead through the car park and then past a wooden gate before the path immediately splits multiple ways at an old white post. Go straight ahead here into the woods and after about 120m this path forks at a clearing. Take the right fork here and after another 100m it meets a T-junction.

(7) Turn left this time and follow the path with the pretty lake to your left. Follow the path until it reaches a nice wild beach and then bends to the left. Keep following the path around the lake with lake to your left until you reach a bench and viewing platform on your left. Go straight ahead here and over a wooden bridge. Turn left after the bridge and then walk straight ahead through the lovely woodland with the lake 10 or 20m to your left along the stretch of the lake. After about 300m, when the lake ends and bends off to the left, keep straight ahead instead and head back towards the car park that you might just about see through the trees ahead of you. Go through the car park and back out into the busy main road. Cross the road carefully and turn right before walking back along the path that you walked along earlier. After about 350m you will pass a roundabout on your right and then get back to the point where you were earlier.

(6) Walk ahead another 10m and then turn left down Honey Hill road just before a white memorial building. Finally, you simply need to carefully follow this road for about 1.5km until you arrive back at the Crooked Billet pub for your well earnt reward.(S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 63 m - Crooked Billet
  2. 1 : km 0.26 - alt. 63 m - Greys Farm
  3. 2 : km 1.1 - alt. 62 m - Gate
  4. 3 : km 1.84 - alt. 61 m - Woods
  5. 4 : km 2.62 - alt. 66 m - Bend
  6. 5 : km 3.74 - alt. 68 m - Crossroads
  7. 6 : km 5.14 - alt. 74 m - Memorial building
  8. 7 : km 5.61 - alt. 72 m - Lake
  9. S/E : km 8.11 - alt. 63 m - Crooked Billet

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