Starting from Kneesall & including Laxton, Nottinghamshire.

This circular walk of 7.3 miles starts & ends at the carpark behind St Bartholomew's Church, Kneesall NG22 0AD. It includes pasture and crop fields, and some woodland. Fine elevated views can be seen of the undulating countryside, especially near the Golden Hill trig point. Interesting features include the village of Laxton - the last village in the UK to farm using a medieval strip system. Nearby are Motte & Bailey earthworks.
⚠️Parts of the path is overgrown with rape seed plants with no obvious way through. If you still attend this route, could you please let the author if it is still the case? Thanks

Technical sheet

Last update:
Last review:
  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 11.07 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 3h 20 
  • ▲
    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 72 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 70 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 105 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 44 m



Start: Start from the carpark on School Lane, Kneesall, (NG22 0AD) from its eastern end.

(S/E) From the car park, head North until you reach the first Way-Marker.

(1) Turn left into Ossington Road, follow this road and then right into Baulk Lane. Head North passing under the high tension power line. (2)

(3) Enter the wood near Laxton Common for a short distance. Follow the footpath out of the wood, then cross over Acre Edge Road to continue on the footpath. Take the track up to the Trig point if you want a spectacular elevated view.

(4) Otherwise head NE on the footpath to Kirton Wood.

(5) On reaching the wood, turn right and follow the way-markers to the SE.

(6) Laxton village and the Motte earthworks should come into view on the horizon. There are several stiles on approaching the village.

(7) After lunch in the pub, walk south along the road to the next waymarker on the right. Ignore Eel Lane on the right unless you want to visit the medieval Fish Ponds.

(8) At the next waymarker on the right turn off the road and follow a narrow wooded track going westward and up to Mill Field.

(9) Then head South to return to Kneesall. WayPoints are clearly visible on this return stretch. (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 86 m - School Lane car park
  2. 1 : km 0.31 - alt. 95 m - Turn left into Ossington Road
  3. 2 : km 1.22 - alt. 89 m - Pass under high-tension power line
  4. 3 : km 3.37 - alt. 93 m - Enter wood near Laxton Common
  5. 4 : km 4.02 - alt. 102 m - Head NE on path to Kirton Wood
  6. 5 : km 5.36 - alt. 93 m - Turn right at wood
  7. 6 : km 6.14 - alt. 80 m - Motte earthworks
  8. 7 : km 7.01 - alt. 61 m - Take Main Street south through the village
  9. 8 : km 7.65 - alt. 44 m - Turn west along wooded track
  10. 9 : km 8.55 - alt. 81 m - Head South towards Kneesall
  11. S/E : km 11.07 - alt. 86 m - School Lane car park

Practical information

Start: Start from the carpark on School Lane, Kneesall, (NG22 0AD) from its eastern end.

Refreshments: The Dovecote Inn, Laxton NG22 0SX, serves excellent lunches.

Reviews and comments

4 / 5
Based on 11 reviews

Reliability of the description
3.9 / 5
Clarity of route map
4.1 / 5
Route interest
4.1 / 5
Delphinium ★

Hello arbepe,
Thank you for taking the time to give such detailed feedback! We are going to get in touch with the author and see how we could get something to address those issues.
Enjoy your walks !


Overall rating : 3.3 / 5

Date of walk : 19/06/24
Reliability of the description : ★★★★☆ Good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★☆ Good
Route interest : ★★☆☆☆ Disappointing
Busy trail : No

This is not a walk for June. Many fields are overgrown with rape seed. At point 4 the route of the footpath was not clear. The field was overgrown with rape seed plants with no obvious way through. We regretted not choosing to walk on the road between_points 3 and 4 towards Laxton instead. We stopped at the Holocaust Centre which was very busy with school children. Our plan was to have a drink at the Dovecote Inn at Laxton which was closed to prepare for the Classic Cars meeting later. Then the path at point 8 was so overgrown that it was virtually impossible to get through. As our experience at point 4 had been so bad we decided to remain on the road tog et back to Kneesall. A long excursion.
The route is relatively straight forward. Parking is good but maintenance of the footpaths is poor.


Overall rating : 4.7 / 5

Date of walk : 03/06/24
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★★ Very good
Route interest : ★★★★☆ Good

Never have any problems following the route as the GPS system on Visorando is near perfect and alerts you to any deviations from the path. Can't believe none of the previous reviews have even mentioned the Holocaust Centre which can be found between points 4 & 5. Incredibly moving location. Stop off for refreshments here and rest in the tea gardens. Moving on, we also stopped off at The Dovecote PH in Laxton which is an idyllic pub set in a lovely village. Definitely recommend this walk.


Overall rating : 4 / 5

Date of walk : 19/03/23
Reliability of the description : ★★★★☆ Good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★☆ Good
Route interest : ★★★★☆ Good

I have yet to try this walk. I am going to try the walk soon to see if it is suitable for our walking group.


Overall rating : 4.7 / 5

Date of walk : 07/01/23
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★★ Very good
Route interest : ★★★★☆ Good

New Year's day walk.
Very good car parking and not a great deal of walking across fields as it had been wet.
Laxton is a very interesting village, we didn't try the pub but found a bench for lunch.
Lovely views across to Lincoln Cathedral until it became overcast.
Good start to the year

Walker 21
Walker 21

Overall rating : 4 / 5

Date of walk : 04/04/21
Reliability of the description : ★★★★☆ Good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★☆ Good
Route interest : ★★★★☆ Good

Lovely walk, good car parking.


What a coincidence. I did this walk again on Sunday 7th March as well! I last did in 2018 and thought it would be good for a re-visit with my hiking group after 29th March when "Rule of 6" groups will be allowed again. But I did cut it down to 6.5 miles this time by going directly east from Westwood Farm to Laxton. I think I may vary it again next time, as there is a short but very muddy section in the gulley that leads into Laxton. But overall most paths across the crop fields were dry underfoot and the gravel farm tracks are even better.

As you say the pub and Visitors Centre are closed now due to Covid lockdown but the small green opposite with 2 bench seats is an ideal spot for a picnic lunch. I met very few walkers en route - just a few dog walkers. The village itself was virtually deserted. Sunday the 7th March was a fine sunny day so the elevated views across the Laxton countryside were definitely worth seeing again. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Overall rating : 4.5 / 5

Date of walk : 06/03/21
Reliability of the description : N/A
Clarity of route map : ★★★★☆ Good
Route interest : ★★★★★ Very good

10 months since I did this circular the described way round and been thinking about trying it in reverse for a while.

Lovely spring day today and been dry for a couple of weeks, so thought I’d give it a go. The footpaths near me are so busy because of people coming from the outskirts of the city, so I thought a few hours peace and quiet would be nice and there are a few Geocaches along the route that I didn’t try to grab last time.

The track from Kneesall to Laxton was, again, easy to follow but in the valley it was a bit rutted and muddy as things haven’t had chance to dry out fully. Up the the information board and I decided to stray from the route and take a shortcut by going straight on instead of turning right...knowing that the path drops down into a gulley, I suspected it would be muddy and I didn’t feel that much would be gained by going that way while the pub was closed due to lockdown.

For reasons only known to the person that did it, the information board at this path crossroads has been destroyed, but for anyone with an interest in the open fields system, there is a visitor’s centre behind the pub.

Back into Laxton Village...the footpaths from this direction are much easier to find and follow than they are when coming from the other direction, although the stiles still require attention and there were some very muddy patches on the way down into the valley. Having said that, the path does at some point, turn left...I missed the turn and followed the field boundary to the bottom of the valley.

Most of the rest of the walk was straightforward, the paths were across cultivated fields in places, so were soft but dryish mud, but well marked by the use of herbicides. The stiles etc were in ok condition and even the one that tried to kill me last time has had some work done on it, it’s not perfect but I made it over without it collapsing this time,

The only problem from the stile at CP5 to the end was the stretch of path from the woodlands to the metalled road back to Kneesall (remember I’m going in reverse). As it’s a bridleway and the winter has been quite wet, inconsiderate horse riders have turned what was a nice footpath into a moonscape of ankle-breaking potholes at craters, right from the hedge to 10+ feet into the field...really not what my arthritic ankle needed after 6 miles!

Still enjoyed the walk overall and as I said, I think it’s far easier to navigate going this way round, or maybe it was just because I knew what to expect.

My GPS watch did make it a bit more than the stated distance, just under 8 miles...although I took a couple of detours to grab Geocaches, I don’t think they added that much distance.

Thanks again for submitting the route.


Overall rating : 4.7 / 5

Date of walk : 21/09/20
Reliability of the description : ★★★★★ Very good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★☆ Good
Route interest : ★★★★★ Very good

The only issue with this walk, (probably due to local changes) are:
When you head North it is from the top left of the car park as you look at the playground.
There is no path across the final part next to the school just stay to the left of the tarmac area, (it does feel like you are trespassing on the school but you're not). As you reach the end of this path from the school turn left, (the rest of the walk is as described until-)
To find the trig point walk up to the gates of the Severn Trent reservoir and turn left, at the corner of the property is a gateway into small field, the trig point is in straight ahead. The view is pretty good. Go back down the drive from the reservoir and follow the path to the left.
The turning at 5 on the map is not clear and you can end up a few miles off course if you follow the field edges etc. (we came out opposite the church and feel we should have entered the village much further West, still interesting though and will do the walk backwards to find the right route).
The rest is good but should stress that you leave the village via the main road to the right before you find the path at 8.
The walk through the strip fields at 9 was nice with good info boards.
All in all a nice walk which we will do again soon.
For dog walkers it should be stressed that there are several miles of road walking from the school to Wood Close Farm and through Laxton. There are no footpaths when you leave Kneesall and none when you leave Laxton.


Overall rating : 4.3 / 5

Date of walk : 10/09/20
Reliability of the description : ★★★★☆ Good
Clarity of route map : ★★★★☆ Good
Route interest : ★★★★★ Very good

As I always go wrong when following walks, I was pleasantly surprised to find I only missed a path once! Coming out of Laxton the path I needed was described as tree- lined. It didn’t look like that at first so we walked past. Then,realising it must have been that path we turned round. Great views and an easy to find car park!
Thank you for an interesting afternoon.


Overall rating : 5 / 5

Date of walk : 24/05/20
Reliability of the description : N/A
Clarity of route map : ★★★★★ Very good
Route interest : ★★★★★ Very good

I think some of the previous comments were a little harsh! The descriptions for the route are rather brief and looking at them retrospectively, lacking a little detail...but I have to say ‘retrospectively‘ because I walked the route using the map alone.

The first third of the walk is very straightforward, mostly on a metalled bridleway and then on very well waymarked paths and the woods at CP3 were a welcome relief out of the blazing sun for a few minutes. A nice countryside amble with some lovely views.

The second third is where the problems were! Once over the road and at CP4 the path fizzled out thanks to the plow. I’ve checked with the footpaths officer for my area before, who said that farmers can plow footpaths, provided they are waymarked...this one is not! The first bit, to the woodland is an obvious guess and once at the other side of the wood, the next waymarker can finally be seen.

From here, things were a bit of a mix. Some fields have had a herbicide sprayed along the line of the path, making it perfectly clear where to go...”follow the yellow dead path” I thought to myself, paraphrasing the Wizard of Oz! But when getting to field boundaries, the stiles were untreated and overgrown, making it difficult to battle through...especially when wearing shorts and trying to avoid getting stung! The path down into the valley was also getting difficult to follow, due to summer growth and a lack of feet passing through.

Eventually we approached CP5 where I came across a dodgy looking stile, a few hundred metres before the checkpoint. There was no option but to go for it, but I wish I hadn’t stood on the downward side! As I stepped down the whole thing collapsed and twisted, but I fortunately managed to keep hold of the upright post and save myself falling backward...although I twisted my hip quite badly and a spike of wire trapped my shoe and as I stepped down, so I nearly fell backward a second time.

At CP5 there’s another stile to the left, where there’s a deep gulley that had a little stream, so time for the dog to have a paddle and cool down a bit.

Heading up to Laxton the paths were again, a mix. Some nice and clear, some none existent! I have a GPS walking app that keeps me on the path, which was essential when walking across a freshly mown hay field with no idea where the path was, as the farmer staring at me from his tractor while turning the hay.

At the top of the path at Laxton everything just seemed to fizzle waymarkers, no footprints, no gaps in hedges...nothing! I found myself in a cow field and thought there was a gap in one corner, so headed for the gap only to find it was just 2 posts close together. The cows had blocked me and the dog in the field so I headed for the gate instead...a few loud shouts at the cows kept them at bay.

Once through the gate it was a quiet walk through the lovely village and another break at the bench near the church,..we’re still in COVID lockdown, so sadly no pub visit...would have killed for a pint on this hot afternoon!

The final third was very straightforward...down the road, take the right fork then the bridleway on the right. I few hundred metres up the bridleway a fox cub came out of the woods and stood on the path staring at me for a few seconds, before diving back into the undergrowth. A short stretch of woods then back onto well marked pastoral paths up to CP9.

Some lovely views here and an oddly placed information board about the field system in the area. Turn left and head for Kneesall for the final drag on a quiet, well trodden track.

If the paths and stiles were all in good condition and well kept this would be a cracking walk...and an open pub would help. Some stunning views, lovely villages, quiet paths...only thing missing was proper water for the dog to have a swim.

Thanks to the creator for posting.


Thank you for the feedback. Apologies for disappointing description. The problem of farmers planting rapeseed over Public Footpaths is common and very annoying. I always report such problems to the county Footpath Inspector. They do their best to follow-up (letters to farmer etc) but staff resources and budgets are severely limited. I would urge you to report such cases including broken stiles or bridges.
1. You are absolutely right about the electric fence across the stile near Laxton. It is illegal and I reported it at the time. 3 of my group were electrocuted. The Inspector did contact the farmer. Clearly no action was taken. Please report it again. (Just Google NCC Footpath Inspector for contact details).
2. I'm afraid cows in fields are unavoidable. Farmers have a business to run and the Countryside Act permits them to put cows in fields with their calves even if there is a Public Right of Way. Nothing we can do about this. Suggest you carry a walking stick and keep an eye on field exits?


Overall rating : 2.3 / 5

Date of walk : 21/06/19
Reliability of the description : ★★☆☆☆ Disappointing
Clarity of route map : ★★☆☆☆ Disappointing
Route interest : ★★★☆☆ Average

We tried this walk as it was described as easy. The route map is not very clear but the real problem was the lack of paths thanks to farmers sowing crops over them. It was a struggle to get through the rape plants and chest high overgrown paths. The worst bits were as we came towards Laxton. There is a small wooden bridge which gave way and as we came to the last field before entering the village we had to detour due to
1 an electric fence covering all access to the stile, i always thought this was illegal.
2 the field being full of cows with young which is a dangerous situation.

So not very successful and to be honest the worst walk I have done in over 40 years !


Overall rating : 3.3 / 5

Date of walk : 05/05/19
Reliability of the description : ★★☆☆☆ Disappointing
Clarity of route map : ★★★★☆ Good
Route interest : ★★★★☆ Good

You need to follow the map carefully. The route description leaves a little to be desired especially for a novice like me. When Leaving Laxton stay on the main road out of the village and head for the tree lined path off to the right(about 200 yards round the bend).

A wonderful walk, beautiful views, the village of Laxton was beautiful and very interesting. The pub was a real treat too. I didn't eat but food looked great. You will not be disappointed.

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.