Birmingham canals

A circular walk along Birmingham canals, between old and new buildings. Ideal walk to photograph some unusual places and buildings.

Technical sheet

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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 7.50 km
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    Calculated time: 2h 20 
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    Difficulty: Easy

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    Return to departure point: Yes
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    Vertical gain: + 69 m
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    Vertical drop: - 69 m

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    Highest point: 167 m
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    Lowest point: 103 m


Description de la randonnée

(S/E) From Saint Martin in the Bullring church front door, walk North with the church on your right. When you reach some steps on your left-hand side, go up. Here take a look backward with a view of the church and buildings. Then, carry on North - North-West with shops on both sides. At some point you will see a bull on your left.

(1) When you reach Rotunda Square, carry straight on. Then to a Y junction, go left on New Street. Carry on on New Street until you reach Victoria Square with the Town Hall on your left. Enjoy the buildings surrounding you, then go West - South-West on Century Way to reach Century Square passing the Library on your right.

(2) Passing the Symphony Hall on your right, you reach Black Sabbath bridge over the canal with a bench and the Canal & River Trust information board next to it. Here take the footpath right with the canal on you right-hand side. Follow the street as it turn left.

(3) When you reach a junction with Wagamama on your right, here take a detour on your left to have a look at Oozells Square and Ikon Gallery building. When you are done, retrace your steps to Wagamama, carry straight on to reach the canal where you go down the steps on your left (North-West) with the canal on your right-hand side. Do not cross the bridge. Carry on the canalside ignoring the bridge on your right.

(4) When you reach the bridge going to Legoland, do not cross and carry straight on the canalside with the water on your right. Go under the bridge, before reaching the next one have a look backward to the junction between two canals.

(5) At the bridge, pass under and go up left from the other side to pass on the top of it. Cross the canal and at the end of the bridge, turn right (East) to reach the canalside again. Follow the canalside with the water on your right this time. You will pass the Roundhouse on your left then the Distillery. Carry straight on under the bridge passing Legoland on your left this time. Do not cross the bridge but carry straight on along the canalside. There is a nice view of The Mal House pub on the other side.

Carry on along the canalside with the water on your right, going under the beautiful iron bridge. You will pass many locks on the way. Keep ignoring the pathways going over the water.

(6) At the next bridge, go under the B4135. Be careful, it is easy to miss the path under the bridge as there is a lock hiding it. Carry straight on along with the water on your right. You will pass many canals in between the buildings, passing under some tunnels.

(7) Keep straight along the canalside when your reach Baker Bridge. Carry on along with the water on your right and when you reach a junction with two canals, cross over the bridge on your right (South - West). Then keep along the canal with the water on your right.

At some point, you will pass under a tunnel and then reach the University lock building on your left. Carry straight on with the canal on your right-hand side.

(8) Then, a long tunnel comes ahead going under the road and the railway. When you reach a junction between two canals, carry straight on South-West (Have a look under the bridge on your left, there is a cool view). When you reach the next bridge, the path along the canal stops so go up on your left (East) to reach Fazeley Street where you turn left then right on Pickford Street.

When you reach the junction with Bordesley Street, turn right (West) and carry on this street until you reach the railway where you turn left (South-West) on Park Street. Go under the bridge and carry on this street to go back to Saint Martin in the Bullring church. (S/E)


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 118 m - Saint Martin in the Bullring church
  2. 1 : km 0.2 - alt. 138 m - Town Hall
  3. 2 : km 1.46 - alt. 149 m - Black Sabbath bridge
  4. 3 : km 1.69 - alt. 152 m - Reach the canalside
  5. 4 : km 1.9 - alt. 145 m - Junction between two canals
  6. 5 : km 2.31 - alt. 141 m - Roundhouse - Distillery
  7. 6 : km 3.26 - alt. 134 m - Tunnel under the road
  8. 7 : km 4.37 - alt. 117 m - Baker bridge
  9. 8 : km 6.26 - alt. 108 m - Long tunnel under the railway
  10. S/E : km 7.5 - alt. 118 m - Saint Martin in the Bullring church

Practical information

Car park : Many cars parks around the area. Do not forget to pay and display. You can also reach the starting point straight from Birmingham Moor Street station.

Facilities: There are many pubs along the way for drinks and food.

In the nearby area

Many interesting buildings to discover if you like architecture. Then, your reach a part where you mainly follow the canalside path going along locks, under buildings, and tunnels. The end of the path can seem uninteresting however it gives a contrast with the busy city center.

Other walks in the area

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.