Ashridge Bluebell Walk, Chilterns AONB

The National Trust Estate at Ashridge is one of the best places in the country to see bluebells in spring. This gentle walk will take you through carpets of this beautiful plant, and also looks at the history of the estate. There are wonderful views over the valley from Duncombe Terrace.

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 8.90 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 2h 45 
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    Difficulty: Moderate

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 84 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 84 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 255 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 182 m


Description de la randonnée

Start: National Trust Ashridge Estate Visitor Centre (A) car park. Nearest postcode (HP4 1LT) Grid ref. SP 971 130

(S/E) From car park walk around the visitor centre, pass the Cafe and Monument Cottage and take the bridleway ahead.

(1) Before the bridleway starts to descend steeply, bear left on the Meadleys Meadow Track and follow the fence along the meadow until it bends to the left. Leave the track around the meadow and continue ahead for 30m to a fork. Bear left along a level path through the woods, bearing left again at the next fork. Follow this path as it twists and turns through the woods to a wide track.

(2) Turn left along the track and stay on it for 500m, ignoring all tracks on either side. Continue past the estate cottages on the right and to the main road (B4506) ahead. Cross the road with great care (B) and continue straight ahead on the tarmac driveway, signposted to the Bridgewater Arms.

After the lodge, take the path diagonally left (North-East) through the woods and follow the markers. You cross a grand avenue (the "Prince's Riding") and, shortly after, come to the edge of a golf fairway which you cross.

(3) Once on the other side, turn right along the edge of the fairway and then pass a bunker to an access road. Turn left along it past Old Park Lodge (C). Note the part sundials on its walls. Where the road bends to the left, keep straight ahead to the right of a barn and through a wood.

(4) Stay in the same direction across the golf course, following the marked path up the hill to the left of the clubhouse. At the top bear left along an access road to a junction.

(5) Turn left and after 50m bear diagonally right (North-West) to join the well-marked path across two fairways and into a copse. The path then meets a crossing path that runs along the side of garden fences.

(6) Turn left on this path and follow the fencing all the way to the main road (B4506). Cross to the wide track ahead. Stay on this for 1km ignoring all tracks left and right. Shortly after a clearing, the track narrows slightly and then divides.

(7) Take the track that swings round to the right and follow it through a car park to a road. Cross into Dockey Wood (D). Explore the paths around the wood and return to the entrance gate.

Cross back over the road and back-track to where you left the larger track.

(8) Turn right on the broad track . After 600m it nears a road and a footpath joins from the right. Shortly after, follow the footpath as it bends left and descends steadily through the woods down to a major track. Turn left on the broad surfaced track and follow it for 1.6km back to the café.

(9) On the way, you will pass Duncombe Terrace (E) before reaching Bridgewater Monument (F) and the café. (S/E)

We hope you have enjoyed your walk. Please remember to rate the walk and add comments. We are interested in how we could improve the instructions or the route and would like to hear about any issues with paths on the walk.


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 224 m - National Trust Ashridge Estate Visitor Centre - Ashridge Estate
  2. 1 : km 0.19 - alt. 221 m - Meadleys Meadow Track
  3. 2 : km 0.94 - alt. 215 m - Wide track
  4. 3 : km 2.35 - alt. 197 m - Golf fairway - Ashridge House
  5. 4 : km 2.67 - alt. 182 m - Ashridge golf course
  6. 5 : km 3.06 - alt. 202 m - Junction
  7. 6 : km 3.46 - alt. 204 m - Garden fences
  8. 7 : km 4.81 - alt. 237 m - Track divides - Dockey wood
  9. 8 : km 6.12 - alt. 237 m - Broad woodland track
  10. 9 : km 7.84 - alt. 234 m - Duncombe Terrace - Bridgewater Monument
  11. S/E : km 8.9 - alt. 224 m - National Trust Ashridge Estate Visitor Centre

Practical information

Start & finish: National Trust Ashridge Estate Visitor Centre car park. Nearest postcode (HP4 1LT) Grid ref. SP 971 130

Parking: National Trust Ashridge Estate Visitor Centre car park

Local transport: Buses 29, 30 & 31 run between Hemel Hempstead and Berkamstead on Mondays to Fridays. All services stop at the end of Monument Drive

Terrain: An easy walk that can be muddy after rain.

Food & drink: Brownlow Café at the Ashridge Visitor Centre. None on the walk

Note: This walk has been produced with the assistance of the National Trust. To ensure that the bluebells are not damaged, please follow National Trust signage at all times. Many of the habitats are sensitive, so please keep to the paths. Dogs should be kept under close control at all times. For further information and search for Ashridge.

This walk was created for the book "50 Great Walks in the Chilterns" available from the Chiltern Society , White Hill Centre, White Hill, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1AG
Tel. 01494 771250. Fax 01494 793745.

In the nearby area

(A) Ashridge Estate dates back over 700 years to when a monastery was founded by Edmund, Earl of Cornwall. The monastic order was known as the College of Bonhommes. It continued to flourish until Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries in 1539. He bequeathed the estate to the future Queen Elizabeth I. She lived there for eight years before being arrested by her half-sister Mary and taken to the Tower of London. After Elizabeth’s death the estate was bought by Thomas Egerton, whose son bought the title, the Earl of Bridgewater. In 1720 the fourth Earl became the first Duke of Bridgewater. The most famous member of the family was the ‘Canal Duke’, who commissioned the building of the Bridgewater Canal which opened in 1761, and is regarded as the first true canal in Britain. In 1853 the estate passed to Lord Brownlow whose family held on to it until 1925 when it was split up, with much of the parkland and surrounding area passing to The National Trust. The parkland is a haven for wildlife and is famous for its herds of fallow deer.

(B) Thunderdell Lodge: A grade II listed building which used to be the gate lodge to the house. There are a total of three lodges on each corner of the deer park.

(C) Ashridge House: In the distance to the right, you will see the grand 19th Century house. Started by the 'Canal Duke', it is now a Management College.

(D) Dockey wood: The Wood is one of the best places in the UK to see bluebells. It’s a working oak plantation, with a remnant of semi-natural ancient woodland along the roadside.

(E) Duncombe Terrace : First on the right is a replica of a Victorian shooting lodge that was destroyed by fire in the 1980s. It has been used as a scout hut in the past, but is now used for filming. Next on the right, behind a fence, is a Bronze Age barrow. Shortly after that a bridge passes over a hollow way. Historically, it was used by farmers to bring livestock onto the ridge.

(F) Bridgewater Monument: The monument was erected in 1832 in memory of the Duke of Bridgewater. It’s 33m high, with 170 steps to the top and is open to the public – check opening times at

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.