High Harker Hill - near Grinton, North Yorkshire, UK

This route is mostly on public Bridleways and moorland access tracks with a rough gravel surface with drainage channels crossing them. #WalkingWithWheels.

Technical sheet

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  • Unknown activity
    Activity: Unknown activity
  • ↔
    Distance: 8.60 km
  • ◔
    Author’s time: 4 hrs 
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    Difficulty: Easy

  • ⚐
    Return to departure point: Yes
  • ↗
    Vertical gain: + 246 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 246 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 463 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 250 m



(S/E)Start the walk South West on the single track road (Hargill Lane) towards Redmire.
When the path turns slightly left, turn right onto the rough and grassy Bridleway. Keep straight ignoring the path coming from left and right until reaching a stream.

(1) At the gate go through and then cross the small stream with care. A suitable crossing place may need to be found. (Not sure how deep this would be after heavy rain).

(2) At the crossroads go straight across and onto the moorland track that leads up hill in a North Westerly direction. Take care as this is steep in places. (at least 1 in 5). Keep straight ahead at the crossing points until you reach High Harker Hill.

(3) After taking in the great views of Swaledale and of the lead mining history of these hills turn around here and follow the same way back until the crossroad (2).

(2) At the crossroads turn right (South West) on the clear moorland track (a shorter alternative would be to go straight across and back down the Bridleway across the stream and back to the carpark)

(4) When you reach a junction, keep on the clear moorland track as it turns left (South) towards another disused lead mine. Follow the track (now a Bridleway) as it turns West.

(5) Cross two streams keeping straight on through the gate leaving it as you found it. Keep going straight ahead until you reach Hargill Lane.

(6) At the single track road turn left and return to go back to the starting point.


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 250 m - Car park
  2. 1 : km 1.03 - alt. 324 m - Gate followed by Stream
  3. 2 : km 1.61 - alt. 363 m - Up hill
  4. 3 : km 3.3 - alt. 462 m - Views of Swaledale
  5. 4 : km 5.65 - alt. 386 m - Mine
  6. 5 : km 6.92 - alt. 395 m - Streams
  7. 6 : km 7.38 - alt. 381 m - Single track road
  8. S/E : km 8.6 - alt. 250 m - Car park

Practical information

For those on a mobility scooter there are some short battery sapping climbs of at least 1 in 5. A ‘Walking with Wheels’ route suitable for an off-road mobility scooter. As such it is a difficult 'walk' for a mobility scooter user and graded as a 3+ using The Disabled Ramblers grading system, but easy enough for a walker.

The scooter user needs to be equipped for the possibility of bad weather and accompanied by an able-bodied person for support and to open boundary gates.
Please keep dogs under close control as this is an area with many ground-nesting birds and grazing sheep.
The route in mostly on public Bridleways and moorland access tracks these are all generally 2 meters (6 feet) wide with a rough gravel surface with drainage channels crossing them. There are some short battery sapping climbs of at least 1 in 5.

Parking for the start of this route on a rough off-road graveled area at a road junction to Redmire, about a ½ mile from Grinton on the Grinton to Leyburn road. - Located at: OS map reference SE 046 977 : What3Words - posting.fault.escalated

The nearest public toilets, including RADAR facility toilets, are at the northern side of the green in Reeth.
(There is also a small public toilet in Grinton near to the Bridge Inn next to the public Telephone Box)

Always stay careful and alert while following a route. Visorando and the author of this walk cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident during this route.

Reviews and comments

The GPS track and description are the property of the author.