Worrall, Sheffield to Combes Farm round

A short walk in a rural area close to Sheffield along footpaths. Reasonably signposted but care is needed to keep on track. Apt to be muddy. Sheep, horses and sometimes cattle are likely to be encountered.

Technical sheet

Last update:
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  • Walking
    Activity: Walking
  • ↔
    Distance: 4.32 km
  • ◔
    Calculated time: 1h 35 
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    Difficulty: Moderate

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    Return to departure point: Yes
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    Vertical gain: + 116 m
  • ↘
    Vertical drop: - 109 m

  • ▲
    Highest point: 276 m
  • ▼
    Lowest point: 151 m

Description de la randonnée

(S)From Sycamore Park car parking area, cross the road and pass number 80 Towngate Road and down the footpath by its garage. Cross the end of Walshaw Road to pick up a grassy footpath through a gate past an old low washing trough ((1), 'a rarity and in 2018 rather too silted up for washing clothes or children) to reach The Asplands house. Turn left along Boggard Lane passing badger setts. At the foot of the slope ((2), there are vague remains of gannister mining on the right. Gannister mines in this area were a major source of refractory (heat proof) linings for the developing steel industry and were shipped worldwide from Worrall'') take the footpath onward by dairy farm through a field to a gate by houses, Stiddy Cottage.

Reach the road through their gardens and pass through Burtins Farm looking for a stile at the bottom of their 'garden'. By wall to tree and into field on right via gateway and pipes. Follow the wall to the left down to another stile and across a field to a wooden bridge. Go up to the road, Wheel Lane.

Up the lane looking for a stile/gate on the left to pass below a house. Keep along the vague 'track' through another gate/stile and enter woodland, eventually reaching a dip with a stile and a sharp pull up through Coumes Wood. Keep the small stream roughly the same distance away on your left to reach a beech stand atop a knoll. (In 2018 this involves clambering over a couple of fallen trees or working round them)
Turn left at the knoll through between large holly trees following a sunken path to reach a metal kissing gate on the right and and an open field. Cross this to pass below an old duck pond and pass just above farm buildings. The footpath becomes a farm track.

Follow the track uphill looking for a stile/gate on the left just after a right bend. The path beyond the stile and left crosses a field past baths and a gateway by a crane (2018). Turn right onto a farm track which avoids Coumes Farm by going straight on after a dip and rising to a stile onto Burnt Hill Lane (seat here if a rest is required).

Slightly downhill along the road a stile on the right is taken (100m before the metal gates). Left across a field corner to a stile and across the farm track and another field keeping the farm buildings well to your right. Slight right across the corner of another field to a rough wide stile to take the onward wall side to pick up a track past a school playing field (on your right).

At the end of this track is Towngate Road ((3), 'Worrall, in an earlier version of the spelling, was listed in the Doomsday Book; The 'gate' in Towngate comes from the Norse gata for way/path/road) on your right and about 200m to the car park.

Just another 200m onward is the Shoulder of Mutton pub with a large car park behind it.


  1. S/E : km 0 - alt. 225 m - Parking
  2. 1 : km 0.23 - alt. 213 m - Washing trough
  3. 2 : km 0.67 - alt. 204 m - Gannister mine
  4. 3 : km 4.13 - alt. 226 m - Towngate Road, Worrall
  5. S/E : km 4.32 - alt. 224 m - Parking

Practical information

Getting there: Parking by Sycamore Park (off Towngate Road) or some buses from Sheffield to Stocksbridge pass through Worrall and stop at the Blue Ball (foot of Towngate Road).

Muddy stretches: By farm on bend of Boggard Lane (can be avoided by turning left, then slanting right through cemetery then right along Burton Way to rejoin at Burtins Farm); between Coumes Vale Plantation and Coumes Vale Farm - keep to the edge of the muddy path.

Refreshments often available at the end, at Worrall Post office, the Blue Ball or Shoulder of Mutton (Top Road)

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The GPS track and description are the property of the author.